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Member of the 2015 AgriCorps

AgriCorps is a Peace Corps type organization that sends American agriculture volunteers to the developing world to teach agriculture. AgriCorps uses youth to transfer agricultural technology into farming communities. Young people and their families will have access to improved agricultural technology, which allows them to increase their yields and contribute to food security.

Members of the AgriCorps live and work in rural communities in the developing world.  They are agriculture science teachers and start 4H programs. They work to help young people develop their critical thinking skills and help them explore agriculture.  Members of the AgriCorps are farmers.  They act as informal extension agents helping transfer agricultural technology to rural communities.  Members of the AgriCorps are expanding possibilities.

AgriCorps is a Peace Corps type organization that sends American agriculture volunteers to the developing world to teach agriculture. AgriCorps uses youth to transfer agricultural technology into farming communities. Young people and their families will have access to improved agricultural technology, which allows them to increase their yields and contribute to food security.

Members of the AgriCorps live and work in rural communities in the developing world.  They are agriculture science teachers and start 4H programs. They work to help young people develop their critical thinking skills and help them explore agriculture.  Members of the AgriCorps are farmers.  They act as informal extension agents helping transfer agricultural technology to rural communities.  Members of the AgriCorps are expanding possibilities.

We look for the following qualifications: 

1. College Degree in Agriculture

2. Past 4-H/FFA leadership experience (or knowledge of the experiential education model)

3.Production Agriculture Experience (Farm, Ranch, Supervised Agriculture Experience, Garden, etc.)

Online Application: