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Taremwa Ruhakana Joseph
14 Oct
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Tourism is the basis of economic and cultural development. It was after the mid twenties’ that it started to grow progressively, becoming one of the major sectors in the world economy. Currently, Tourism does not only include game parks, historical sites, lakes and rivers, but also farming enterprises, agro-processing centers, agricultural practices, agricultural occupations, local products, traditional food and the daily life of the rural people and farmers, as well as the cultural elements and traditions - referred to as Agro-Tourism. It’s a hybrid concept that merges elements of two complex industries - Agriculture and Tourism, to open up new profitable markets for farm products and services and provide travel experiences.Agriculture and Tourism are the most significant sectors in most of the Africa’s states; In Uganda for example, Agriculture is unquestionably the most significant sector in the economy. According to FAO, it employs 80% of the population and will be the key determinant in the region’s efforts to reduce poverty in the immediate years ahead. Tourism is Uganda’s second largest foreign exchange earner and is growing fast. Lonely Planet, the world’s leading travel magazine, ranked Uganda the “World’s number one tourism destination for 2012’’. The contribution of tourism cannot be underestimated because of the huge returns to the GDP and employment. Merging the two sectors is therefore timely and important.The potential benefits of Agro-Tourism for Africa’s agribusiness development are varied; first, it provides much needed youth employments, generates diversification opportunities for farmers to increase revenues and enhance the viability of their farming operations. Secondly, it’s an excellent tool to educate the public about the importance of farming and its contribution to the economy. Thirdly, it enhances demand for farm products, fosters agricultural marketing and creates value-added and direct-marketing opportunities. There are problems in the process of the development of agro-tourism centers; hence, the governments and related authorities should support these activities for sustainable development. Farmers should try to establish their farms as agro-tourism centers. If well developed, agro-tourism may become the most lucrative cash crop for the farmers in Africa and also an instrument of the youth employment generation and attraction and detainment in agricultural sector.Agro-Tourism is not only a relevant topic to be discussed in the business and academic societies; rather it is the trend of modern societies. Due to the fact that Tourists have become more sophisticated, environmentally conscious and curious to experience rural life, it can be assumed that there is a global tendency towards Agro-Tourism. Farmers and stakeholders in the regions need to be oriented on the role of Agro-Tourism especially on attracting the majority of the population – the youth to appreciate and engage in farming.Agro-Tourism Association therefore aims at promoting Agribusine Enterprises along the entire chain as Tourist attraction which eventually enhances Agribusiness development.
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