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Are you ready for the Job market? - Career Fair e-discussions!

Career Fair - Agrinatura + YPARDAre you ready to face - and be successful when - submerging yourself in the professional job market? Do you know what your potential employers expect from you? Can you identify your major assets to boost your employability?

If you want to find answers, go to the source!

Agrinatura and YPARD are joining efforts in organizing a Career Fair that will address these questions. During the Career Fair, you’ll have the chance to listen to alumni testimonials that have already experienced their first professional challenge. Likewise, you’ll enjoy the opportunity to get employers’ insights about this hot issue (#employable).

With the application of new technologies and an out-of-balance food system worldwide, we have realised over the last years how agricultural environment can be particularly changing. Therefore, it is necessary that agricultural professionals get adapted to it sooner rather than later.

Food insecurity, natural resources scarcity, climate change or prices volatility are only some of the current and future issues that demand skilled and well-prepared professionals. Do you consider yourself as one of them?

Share your “employability tips”!

If you are a young professional willing to share your experience with your future mates, get involved and comment on this blog post!

#1 What was the “secret” of your success in getting employed?

#2 What were the “musts” during your job seeking?

#3 What are the strong points your manager appreciate the most of you?

Are you a senior professional working with young people? You may also want to share your views on aspects that make a young professional the best candidate for employment. (Please use the code: #4)

Agriculture is at the core of both the living sciences and the XXI century’s environmental threats: let’s get prepared to rise to the challenge!

Please log-in to be able to leave a comment below, or register on!

Also, contribute to the discussions or to sharing the “employability tips” on Twitter via: #employable

YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair: matching needs and resources of the job market 16th September from 9am to 17:30 pm previous to the Tropentag at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences), Prague

(For more information see the YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair Programme)

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Monday, 23 September 2024

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