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Reflections on youth and modern farming

"The first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind" - Norman Borlaug The world is fascinated by urbanization and modernization. Drastic civilization toward modern environment hinders youth in participating actively in agriculture despite the inherent potentials, especially in developing countries. This is a growing concern, what will be the future of farming and global food security without empowering... More

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  • Nepal
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  882 Hits
882 Hits

UNLEASH 2018: An innovative lab for development ideas

UNLEASH-2018, Singapore hosted a thousand talents from one hundred and eight different countries.  People from different cultures came together to discuss the sustainable development Goals. It's all about meeting new talents, having fun and generating UN sustainable development ideas.  For me, it's the initiation of new innovation. It's my first experience to attend international UN program. I as well as Shewta... More

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  • Nepal
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1151 Hits
1151 Hits