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Farm Fresh Marketing local products through an e-commerce platform

The agricultural production is the main economy activity in Gambia but it has declined as a result of several factors including poor rainfall distribution, weak marketing infrastructure, lack of access to credit (especially for youth and women) with limited resources base. The access to healthy and affordable food for the public is not easy, as well as the marketing of farmers’ products... More

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  • Gambia
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  997 Hits
997 Hits

JOKALANTE, services TIC pour un changement positif dans l'agriculture

Jokalante est une plateforme mise en place par un consortium d’organismes internationaux dans le cadre du projet Tic Mbay (Tic pour l’agriculture en langue wolof). Elle a pour ambition la vulgarisation de la production agricole à travers les technologies de l’information et de la communication. C’est une entreprise sociale, dont le mot en langue wolof "Jokalante" signifie dialogue ou échange d'idées. La plateforme offre... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  935 Hits
935 Hits


<< Aywajieune >> est la première plateforme sénégalaise de mise en relation, d’annonces et de ventes de produits halieutiques (poissons et fruits de mer). Cette plateforme permet aux vendeurs et acheteurs qui rencontrent des difficultés d’écoulement et d’approvisionnement à effectuer facilement une opération de vente ou d’achat via des outils en ligne. La plateforme est née à la suite d’une étude qui... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  791 Hits
791 Hits

FARMABLE:The crowdfarming startup that feeds the cows online

Animal health is the biggest restriction to improving productivity of livestock in Ghana, where myriad of local diseases restrict animal productivity and cause high mortality rates. This is due to the reluctance by smallholders to administer vaccines, lack of knowledge about available medicines and the cost of and access to vaccinations and other medication. Over 50% of local farmers have not gone... More
  873 Hits
873 Hits

Looking for Agri-training Information? Graduate Farmer is Happy to Help!

Farmers in Kenya are unable to realize full potential from their businesses due to lack of training. For the youth to engage in productive farming and improve their livelihoods they need to get access to affordable agricultural training. Many private farms in Kenya have taken up the initiative to train farmers on various crops and animal management skills. These farms and... More

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  • Kenya
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  611 Hits
611 Hits

ISHAMBA, Getting Market and Weather Information by SMS

The Mediae , a company that focuses on Media for Education and Development in Africa, has successfully broadcasted a tailor made farming show to the East African Countries.  The broadcast program Shamba Shape Up is an interactive forum for farmers where a farmer is featured and is able to get extension services needed to help him/her achieve the yields that they desire from their farms. This  access... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  896 Hits
896 Hits

Fresh and New Agritools Crowdsourcing stories on ICT for Agriculture!

The agricultural sector has the greatest potential to uplift the African economy and address global food shortages, but foreign investors are increasingly choosing Africa as a lucrative opportunity, depriving people of their land and water. Governments have failed to convert the wealth created by economic growth into the opportunities that all Africans can exploit to build a better future. If African... More
  777 Hits
777 Hits