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GCARD3: where youth will not be left behind

I remember how my heart skipped a beat when I listened to Salina Abraham speak out on behalf of the youth last December in the closing keynotes of the Global Landscape Forum in Paris. She fervently defended the right of youth to be heard, to be inherently included in any agricultural and landscape research and, in short, to be part and... More

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
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783 Hits

It's time to mainstream youth

Mariola Acosta and Marta Panco, representing the youth perspective as part of YPARD, attended the “Closing the Gender Gap in Farming Under Climate Change” event on March 19th, 2015. This blog, originally published on the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), summarizes some of the reflections on youth issues that arose during the event and during the interviews with... More

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  • Spain
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  989 Hits
989 Hits