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Launching the School Vegetable Garden project in Cameroon

Thanks to a partnership with YPARD Cameroon in March 2015, the Cameroon Association of Active Youths (CAMAAY) has been able to extend their activities to include the following five primary schools in their School Vegetable Garden project:  G.S.Chomba, G.S Nsongwa, G.S Station, P.S. Mendankwe, and P.S Rennaissance Below Foncha. This initiative consists of working one day per week in each school... More

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  • Cameroon
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  919 Hits
919 Hits

Help young women to manage water for agriculture

Blog post written by Nestor Ngouambé on World Farmers' Organization 's website as YPARD Cameroon representative Water is an essential part of agricultural productivity; water scarcity is a cause of low food productivity observed this last year in Africa. As women are those most involved within water utilization, many of them still lack basics knowledge to irrigate their small piece of land. Since one year... More

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  • Cameroon
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1021 Hits
1021 Hits

CORY workshop: Fostering Rural Youth Entrepreneurship

From 21st to 22nd July 2014, the Cameroon National Inception Workshop CORY (Creating Opportunities for Rural Youth) project was held in Yaoundé, Cameroon. YPARD Cameroon was invited to provide inputs to the design of the project in the country as well as to be a potential national implementing partner. On behalf of the coordination team, the Centre region representative, Gwladys Mabah,... More

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  • Cameroon
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  952 Hits
952 Hits

Si l'agriculture est le moteur de la croissance et la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique, les Jeunes sont le carburant qui le fait fonctionner...

Tels sont les propos, en résumé, des jeunes camerounais qui se sont réunis samedi 29 Juin 2013 pour lancer les activités de YPARD Cameroun à travers les consultations régionales. Plus de 95 jeunes dont 25 femmes environs ont échangé autours de questions liées à la place du jeunes dans les politiques publiques de recherche et développement agricole. Est-ce que les jeunes... More

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  • Cameroon
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  989 Hits
989 Hits

ICTs and Youth in Agriculture Innovative Systems

"Agricultural development depends on innovation. Innovation is a major source of improved productivity, competitiveness, and economic growth throughout advanced and emerging economies, and plays an important role in creating jobs, generating income, alleviating poverty, and driving social development. If farmers, agribusinesses, and even nations are to cope, compete, and thrive in the midst of changes in agriculture and economy, they must... More
  906 Hits
906 Hits