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Forum for the Future Shows Organizations that Sustainability Is a Great Investment

Forum for the Future Shows Organizations that Sustainability Is a Great InvestmentAccording to a recent report by Forum for the Future, a sustainability advisory nonprofit based in the U.K., “doing the right thing for our food system” by investing in good nutrition can reap significant financial rewards; however, stagnation can be incredibly costly. Their report, Nutrition: An Emerging Threat or an Opportunity? analyzed the financial risks of food manufacturers who make products that are high in fat, salt, and sugar and examined how a company’s assets, including their brand, their hardware, and their software, may become “stranded” as consumer knowledge grows about the negative effects of the food they produce.

“The sums at stake are considerable. Companies like Coca-Cola and Danone, for example, carry significant brand values. If pressure for improved nutrition grows, those valuations may only be protected by expensive and complex reformulation activity,” the report explained. If an organization fails to adapt their brand, they run the risk of falling behind or becoming obsolete

The Forum asks businesses, Will you be disrupted or will you be a disruptor? By showing organizations the risks involved in not changing and the rewards involved in extending healthy food options, the Forum seeks to market sustainability to these companies.

Click here to read the full article written by Airlie Trescowthick on Food Tank: The Food Think Tank

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