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The involvement of youth in the 7th Forest Science Symposium: My IFSA / South Africa experience

I was so overwhelmed with the joy of travelling to South Africa, it was like a candle was light inside of me and I could scarcely rest for the couple of hours that I was in the plane though it was a night trip. It was my first experience of flying on a plane and I was so excited in spite of the fact that I was a little bit scared. I envisioned how South Africa would look like, the dressing, food, climate, vegetation, building structures, market and the new friends I was going to make. I was so glad to have sat beside a professor of the University of Ibadan who was my gist partner until the point when I at long last shut my eyes to rest. When the plane arrived at OR Tambo International Airport, my heart skipped with a smile on my face and a welcome to Johannesburg from the customer services as I also welcome myself to the land of the famous freedom fighter Nelson Mandela. I needed to go and pick my baggage as I was prepared for the next flight to Pietermaritzburg and on landing I was here for the 7th Forest Science Symposium.

The Symposium which was hosted by the Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR) aimed at bringing together different scientist from everywhere throughout the world. The theme of the symposium was Research Underpinning the sustainability of diverse forestry sector.

Research underpinning the sustainability of a diverse forest sector

Diverse Research works were presented and information was shared for which was in form of full academic papers, panel session and poster presentation programmed includes full papers, panel sessions and poster presentation. Prof Francois Engelbrecht presented on ‘Future Climate change over Africa and Potential Implications for the forestry sector’. He stated, the summer 2016/2017 was associated with record-breaking temperature across the southern African region and in some provinces of South Africa, with devastating drought. These provincial extremes with the aftereffect of a very strong El Nino event in the blend with the regional consequences of systematic global warming. Regional climate models are used to explore how future climate change may progressively affect African continent by altering the frequency of occurrence and intensity of extreme weather events.

Research work were discussed to address issues, for example; Importance of gene conservation to tree improvement, Harnessing genomics to address yield challenges in South African Forestry , Plantation tree health: Increasing threatened by pest and diseases, Impact of REDD+ activities to rural communities livelihood, Global outlook on Forest Education , etc.


Mentorship and career advancement

I was empowered to gain knowledge needed for development, skills enhancement thereby promoting my area of Interest to advance my career. It also build connection with role model in field of interest as I was able to meet Research scientist from diverse sectors and had personal conversation with them.

Sustainable use of water resources

Because of ground water depletion and change in rainfall pattern, there is the need to utilize water in a sustainable way. I gained knowledge on the connection between tree production systems and surface water resources which has fully translated into water conservation management approaches

Improving tree health

Pest and Pathogens such as Teratosphaeriaspecies( emerging Eucalyptus leaf and shoot pathogens) is generally recognized. In some cases, this danger has emerged as more imperative than most other constraints that have impact on the long term sustainability of intensively managed plantations. Sharing of knowledge on these pests enhances my knowledge about type of tree pest and their impacts on trees.

Food security

Agro-forestry is recognized as having opportunities to improve agricultural production, produce food, fiber, fuel and income, reduce pressure on natural forest and address the effect of climate change on the agriculture and forestry sector. I gained knowledge ton sustainable agro forestry practices as having potential to contribute to poverty alleviation and economic growth.


Involvement of youth in the 7th Forest Science Symposium have enhance my communication skills, build relationship to discuss, solve problems and to have fun while learning. The sentiment of being carried along and participating in such symposium created awareness in me for self-development, developed leadership competences thereby promoting greater understanding of forestry issues and give fresh perspectives to address problems for sound decision making.

It was an exciting and fulfilling experience to have been a case study of the task force collaboration to enhance forestry education in Africa presenting the outcome of the Northern Africa Regional Meeting.


Durban visitation was another excitement for me. It is such a bustling spot with lovely views. The view of the warm subtropical climate, extensive beaches, Celebration in South Africa ways and the shopping malls make the place an exciting tourism centers. I wish I had captured every single moment as it is one you wouldn’t want to miss in South Africa. For me, Durban was enjoyable.


South Africa was fun. The country of the great fighter; Nelson Mandela

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