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Open Blog Contest for Nepalese Citizens: "ICTs in Nepalese Agriculture"

Nlog competition AgriYouthNepalAgriYouthNepal announced open blog article contest on topic “ICTs in Nepalese Agriculture” for Nepalese citizens. Today, in Nepal, wireless network connection is available in every district and thanks to globalization, smartphones and internet connection has started being common among the Nepalese farmers too. Realizing the importance of ICT in agriculture, some innovative minds in Nepal have already started exploiting this technological boon for making agriculture easier, fancier, and attractive to young people. 

Keeping this in mind, AgriYouthNepal encourages creative minds to showcase their ideas through a blog  article about opportunities and challenges, present context of ICTs and its use in agriculture research & development, showcase of ICTs based projects or presenting ideas about ICTs for Agricultural development. 

The deadline for the submission is July 31. All the submitted entries will  undergo jury selection first  and selected articles (5 blog articles) will undergo public voting. Top two blogs will be awarded based on number of votes and comments on the article.

Winner and runner up  will be awarded with NRs 5,000 and NRs 3,000 respectively. Winners will also receive certificate of appreciation and brand new T-Shirt of AgriYouthNepal.

Articles should be submitted in the (*.doc) format (Maximum 800 words) with atleast one relevant  supportive image via the online submission form available in the contest website.

Click here to submit the blog article. 


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