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The Project SIMPLE- building alumni centers connecting students and the professional sector

This blog piece highlights the achievements of the Project SIMPLE at the University of Battambang (UBB), Cambodia through an interview between Libuška Valešová, YPARD Europe coordinator and Koemseang Nhuong,  General Coordinator and Lecturer at the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Processing of the University of Battambang (UBB), Cambodia and member of the SIMPLE project management team of... More
  863 Hits
863 Hits

YPARD Peru: Workshop participation and collaboration

From 5th to 9th March 2019, YPARD Peru took part in the workshop My Coop organized by Direction of Cooperatives for the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) of the Peruvian government, we had 25 facilitators male and female from different Peruvian regions. Natalia Lozano Broncales represented YPARD this workshop, which was made to improve business skills in farming cooperatives and promote mutual... More
  1110 Hits
1110 Hits