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Three young professionals face the realities of agricultural research for development in West Africa

I have been travelling to Ghana and Burkina Faso to visit two ILRI Research fellows whom I am supervising. They are currently finishing their data collection in the field with the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food’s Volta2 project. Our aim is to gather data that will help us validate a model useful for the impact assessment of innovation platforms.... More
  602 Hits
602 Hits

YPARD now part of the GFAR Steering Committee

YPARD has been working to engage youth in the decision making processes in the agricultural development sector. Bringing youth representatives to boards, steering and advisory committees is one way of ensuring that youth are an active part of the sector and to encourage youth involvement in programme development.  We are thus, pleased to report that the Global Forum for Agricultural Research... More
  788 Hits
788 Hits

YPARD India is looking for your participation in its Working Group!

Hello "YPs" in AR4D in India, You may be aware that during National workshop on 'Foresight and Future Pathways of Agricultural Research Through Youth in India' (FFPARTY) held on March1-2, 2013 at New Delhi, YPARD-India was re-introduced! YPARD-India is an initiave by and for Young  Agri-Professionals. It aims at better networking, strengthening linkages and knowledge sharing between different Agri. Professionals including... More
  988 Hits
988 Hits