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Shifting to commercial farming; the role of credit

Today commercial farming is gradually picking up in most developing countries. Unlike subsistence farming, the expectations to generate enough income and revenue from farm sales is high in commercial farming. However, this comes at the expense of high investments in the farming business. In farming as a business, there is need for capital: both starting and working capital. This is where... More
  712 Hits
712 Hits

Massive Youth Involement in Agriculture Will Drastically Cut down Unemployment Rate in Nigeria and Sub saharan African

The continent of Africa is blessed with abundant natural resources and large expanse of cultivatable farm lands that support the growth of both Food and Cash Crops. The inhabitants of the western part of Africa where known in the past as the food basket of the continent, where large plantation of different agricultural crops are cultivated,harvested and even exported to the... More
  387 Hits
387 Hits

The endless possiblities of rural banking

Fortunate delegates at the 6th Africa Agriculture Science Week in Accra, Ghana  had an opportunity to visit Kpong Irrigation Scheme, one of Ghana’s largest irrigation projects. Rice farming, the project’s main activity is taking place on 1,870 hectares of land a providing a source of livelihood for 2,840 rice farmers. Like any other person with an income, these farmers require financial services especially savings... More
  815 Hits
815 Hits

ADS: Future of Nepalese Agriculture

Agriculture in Nepal suffers from years of under-investment, low production, limited research, and petty inputs, technology and services for farmers. By and large, at the beginning of the 20 years Agriculture Prospective Plan (APP) in 1995-96, it was in a worse situation than today. Since we have made progress, but we are still in a low development stage. In general, in... More
  865 Hits
865 Hits