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East African regional workshop on youth-led sustainable agriculture and urban food systems

Mbale, Uganda – Rikolto Country Office in Uganda will be hosting 40 Youths from the Uganda, Kenya, DRC, Tanzania and Rwanda in a Workshop on “Youth-led Sustainable Agriculture for Urban Food Systems in East Africa.” The training-cum- knowledge sharing workshop will take place at Wash & Wills Hotel Mbale, from the 25th – 29th March 2019, and is organised in collaboration... More
  810 Hits
810 Hits

Unveiling the participants of the young progressive farmers’ workshop

Effective and efficient solutions for increasing sustainable agriculture are important for Africa. This has become necessary due to the challenges posed by the ongoing rapid urbanization. The needed interventions are to safeguard natural resources while ensuring the availability of nutritious food as well as viable opportunities for the next generation of farmers in the agri-food sector. In this vein,  Young Professionals... More
  1385 Hits
1385 Hits