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Welcoming YPARD Ghana Representative: Kafui Kwesi Agbe

We are delighted to welcome the YPARD Ghana country representative Kafui Kwesi Agbe.

Kafui is a graduate in Agricultural Science with specialization in Extension and Rural Sociology from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana. Additionally, he possesses a Master’s in Philosophy degree in Agricultural Extension with research in micro enterprise establishment and growth from the University of Ghana, Legon.

His interest in agriculture and rural development led him to take up his current appointment by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Ghana as an Agricultural Extension Agent; an agricultural extension service provider and a training facilitator. Currenlty, he serves as an Agricultural Value Chain Analyst with the responsibility of coordinating the various actors in the agricultural value chain.

Growing up in an agricultural environment developed in him the love for agriculture, agribusiness and youth development and this led to him volunteering on a mentoring assignment with Solidaridad West Africa (SWA) as MASO Business Academy Mentor to develop required skills for youths in cocoa growing areas, expose them to opportunities and available resources for businesses. The assignment also involved motivating, advising, supporting and directing mentees thereby building their self-esteem and confidence.

Kafui has worked as an advisor to some agricultural enterprises in the area of production, marketing, and business plan development. He has also worked as a training facilitator for a number of local, national and multinational development organizations in Ghana including: Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Solidaridad West Africa, The Hunger Project-Ghana, French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), Forum for Agricultural Research Africa (FARA), and Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; cocoa project). He has undertaken a special capacity building in livestock value chain with the Creating Champions in Livestock Agribusiness (CCLEAr)-Animal Research Institute of Ghana which has empowered him to establish a poultry business with other youths as business partners.

Over the years as a young professional in agriculture, Kafui has been committed to motivating and guiding the youth to take up the challenges confronting agriculture. It is this commitment that motivated him to join YPARD, a movement of likeminded youth. He is confident of his ability to continue the good work of Michael Osei, his predecessor in championing the cause of YPARD in Ghana.

"I am excited about being the next person to spearhead the agenda of YPARD in Ghana. I look forward to networking with secondary and tertiary institutions to get more Ghanaian students on board the YPARD network. I am also determined to connect other youth organisations such as youth farmer based associations for the common goal of promoting agriculture"

We also take this opportunity to say thank you to the outgoing YPARD Ghana representative Michael Osei for his invaluable contribution to YPARD and look forward to our continued interaction.

Welcome on board Kafui Kwesi Agbe.

If you are from or based in Ghana, and want to get involved in YPARD Ghana activities, please contact Kafui at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




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