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Welcoming YPARD Web4Knowledge interns: Lemien Saka and former intern Husein Shahadu

We are delighted to welcome the new cohort of remote YPARD Web4Knowledge interns: Lemien Sakalunga (DRC Congo) and former intern Husein Shahadu (Ghana) who renewed his term. 

Lemien Sakalunga is an agricultural engineer specializing in agricultural economics with years of experience in blogging, web communication and social media. As a blogger, Lemien helps the Congo bloggers community by coordinating the Kinshasa team and publishing articles from bloggers. He also participates in the development of several local NGOs and associations of youth in the DRC in the field of environment, agriculture, ICT and citizen participation.

Lemien is also passionate about agricultural innovations, social media and ICT, climate change, food security, sustainable development and the integration of youth into agriculture.  For him, the development of agriculture depends on the marriage between ICT and agriculture. 

Recently Lemien participated in the mobilization of the young people of Kinshasa for their integration of the new YPARD representation in the Democratic Republic of Congo under the coordination of the Country Representative, Aimé Kazika.

Lemien will be responsible for the French sections of the YPARD website giving a boost to all the french speaking countries of YPARD, sharing information, inspiring testimonies and opportunities for young people in Francophone countries in particular. 


Husein Shahadu, one of the former interns, renewed his internship for another 6 months. Over the last months, Husein has been instrumental in editing the RSS feeds to the website. Read in details his introduction here

Welcome on board Lemien Sakalanga and Husein Shahadu. 




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