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YPARD China joined the 2nd Youth Forum of ARD in CAAS

The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) organized the 2nd Youth Forum of ARD on 21st April to discuss what qualifications a researcher needs, what atmosphere is needed for young researchers in ARD.

Bi, YPARD China representativeSpeakers from leading research agencies - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University and CAAS shared their experiences and ideas. YPARD China Representatives Jieying Bi presented on behalf of YPARD China and shared her experiences in YPARD and YPARD sponsored activities. She pointed out that interest and appreciation in ARD comes first from being a researcher, on an international scope; critical thinking and persistance are the fundamental requirements.

Considering 70% post students plan to go abroad to further their study, Jieying Bi shared her experience in international agencies, like FAO, YPARD and IFPRI. Bi suggests young students to go abroad as early as possible, especially for master and doctoral studies. One convenient and effective way to fetch information on international communications is to register on YPARD and search for internships, scholarship, funds for meetings and grant projects, etc. Blogging on YPARD and leaving message on blog posts also works well to communicate with peer young guys all over the world.

a chinese student consulting YPARD brochureYPARD China also designed questionnaire to learn YPs’ needs in international communication to serve YPs better. YPARD China will organize another lecture to invite Mr. Ajit Maru, senior officer of GFAR to give speech on “The Near Future of Agriculture: Opportunities for the Youth” on 3rd June in CAAS. It’s open to all young researchers and students of  ARD in China.

YPARD China will also organize back to back activities during the GLAST-2013 (4th Global leaders of Agricultural Science and Technology) to broadcast the outputs of this global event and help YPs to join and enjoy this great opportunity. For more details about GLAST, please refer to

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