By Rustam Ibragimov on Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Category: Blog Post

YPARD - Mecca for Young Professionals in Agriculture

First experience in doing something is always a challenging and nervous moment. You have to be an ideal person to accomplish it successfully without feeling these emotions. However, I am not an ideal person and nobody is.

The most memorable time of the first step for me is standing in front of the audience and delivering a message. In this case, it was the YPARD national meeting held in Tashkent State Agrarian University on 16th, February 2016 (details, see here:  I was honored to have this opportunity to present YPARD’s work and its activities to the young people like me. This audience was spiritually so close to me that I did not have a barrier to speak and stand confident.

In my opinion, I achieved my personal plan of delivering the young people message to the audience about YPARD.In addition, i also shared with them the GFAR activities and its role on a global stage of providing support to young professionals in developing agriculture as well as guiding them into the world of YPARD global network. Undoubtedly, while I was doing this, I felt like an elder brother who gives valuable recommendations for future adult life to his young, favorite and adorable brothers and sisters. That was really cute.

Truth be told, i was initially terrified  that there would be no reaction from my audience. Throughout my presentation, I silently hoped that afterwards they would join our global stream of young movement. Fortunately, all my worries disappeared when I received a bunch of gratitude from all the listeners and who knows, maybe am a good speaker.

I believe that the main goal and meeting purpose was successfully distributed. YPARD is a Mecca for young professionals in agriculture, the place where young scientists, farmers, businessmen/women, etc. can find something like a home and where each one of them can be nurtured and assuredly walk into a grown-up life having a solid background.

While summarizing this huge event personally, I must say that it exceeded all my expectations and gave me full self-satisfaction. Nevertheless, a spoon of tar made a barrel of honey bitter and most of the students in Uzbekistan have language barriers which prevent them from being part of the enormous YPARD community. Here, I would like to express my gratitude to my mentors, Dr. Alisher Tashmatov (CACAARI Executive Secretary) and Dr. Botir Dosov (CACAARI Advisor) who not only promised to search for the ways of organizing language courses for the youth, but also monitor and track on the fulfillment of this initiative.

To be continued…..Stay tuned! 

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