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YPARD members: Displaying your efforts to the world through a UNEP-convened platform!

YPARD members: Displaying your efforts to the world through a UNEP-convened platform!Greetings YPARD members from the offices of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Paris! The youth has an undeniable role to play in meeting the post-2015 challenges, and we would like to help showcase your innovative and tireless work in the agricultural sector.

10YFP + Global SCP Clearinghouse

At the Rio+20 Conference, heads of state adopted a 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP). This ambitious framework aims to accelerate the transition to more sustainable modes of consumption and production (SCP) across both the developed and developing world.

In order to harness and compartmentalize the huge amounts of information, the 10YFP Secretariat, hosted by UNEP, created an online knowledge and information-sharing platform, divided into communities by both region and sector, called the Global SCP Clearinghouse.

This platform allows stakeholders from government, business, academia, civil society and anyone else involved in SCP to exchange information, search for collaboration opportunities, and highlight their projects, events and publications.

Be part of our Sustainable Food Systems’ community!

The Global SCP Clearinghouse aims to be a one-stop hub, bringing together scattered information into a coherent space for an international community of SCP practitioners. An entire section of the platform is dedicated to a community on Sustainable Food Systems, abuzz with activity as the 10YFP prepares to launch a new programme in this sector. 

Within this community, members can post initiatives, exchange publications, or organize web conferences, among the various tools at their disposal.

Passionate & Active YPs Wanted!

The Global SCP Clearinghouse would like to be a loudspeaker for your work, spreading word about the innovative advances being made in the domains of food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture among the youth who are driving these movements. 

By registering as a member of the Global SCP Clearinghouse and uploading your projects, publications, news, or events, you will be exposing this important work to a vast international audience through a UNEP-convened platform.

As the recent Climate Summit in New York made clear, the challenges facing this planet are formidable and will not recede without passionate and active engagement. The food sector is at the forefront of this struggle, and moving forward will require unprecedented coordination among stakeholders and among nations.

Explore our tools & register NOW!

The Global SCP Clearinghouse would like to play its part, by harmonizing information, allowing for key actors to communicate with one another, and showcasing what has worked and what is planned.

The dynamism and success of the platform comes directly from our members, who provide material and interact with the available tools and with one another. You are encouraged to take a moment and register, to explore the different tools available to facilitate access to your important work.

The SCP challenges of the 21st century will need to be met head on, and not by scattered actors pursuing narrow goals. The Global SCP Clearinghouse brings together stakeholders from across borders and sectors in order to rise to these challenges with a more coordinated, unified front. 

You can register in just one minute in the Global SCP Clearinghouse at:


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Follow @GlobalSCP on Twitter

Check more information out about the Clearinghouse on our brochure in English, Spanish and French versions.

Blog post written by Andrew Schmidt, consultant at the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP) Secretariat of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). -All views are his own-

Picture credit: Sun in my hands, by Kim Hattaway.

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