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Call for Candidatures for a Young Researchers Seminar - Exploring Agricultural Research for the future

A dialogue between young researchers from the South and the North
Montpellier, France, March-April 2010

Dear YPARD members,

Good day. Hope all are doing well,

As you are well aware that YPARD is continuously trying to find ways to promote space for young professionals in ARD to present their ideas whether they are working in rural development or in molecular level in high tech agricultural research. Recently YPARD played a significant role in the invitation of more than 40 young professionals from CGIAR institutes to present their work during the Science Forum 2009, Wageningen, The Netherlands (June 2009).

Again, YPARD is involved in very important event planned for March-April 2010, there will be a Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD) organized by Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) involving the leading institutions, organizations, individuals in the field of ARD. During this event, YOUNG RESEARCHERS SEMINAR organized by the French Initiative for International Agricultural Research and Agropolis Foundation will be organized that will involve young researchers from both Southern and Northern Hemispheres. This will offer great opportunity and even to be called one off opportunity for young researchers to meet among themselves and learn about others working field and also find partners in your own field of research, meet with senior experts in your area of research and discuss your results and propose actions on future agricultural research from your perspective.

Criteria, guidelines for application, funding and contact details for clarifications or further details of the event are attached with this mail along with the description of the event.

Wish you all the best,

Best Regards

Attached resources


A dialogue between young researchers from the South and the North
Montpellier, France, March-April 2010

Dear YPARD members,

Good day. Hope all are doing well,

As you are well aware that YPARD is continuously trying to find ways to promote space for young professionals in ARD to present their ideas whether they are working in rural development or in molecular level in high tech agricultural research. Recently YPARD played a significant role in the invitation of more than 40 young professionals from CGIAR institutes to present their work during the Science Forum 2009, Wageningen, The Netherlands (June 2009).

Again, YPARD is involved in very important event planned for March-April 2010, there will be a Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD) organized by Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) involving the leading institutions, organizations, individuals in the field of ARD. During this event, YOUNG RESEARCHERS SEMINAR organized by the French Initiative for International Agricultural Research and Agropolis Foundation will be organized that will involve young researchers from both Southern and Northern Hemispheres. This will offer great opportunity and even to be called one off opportunity for young researchers to meet among themselves and learn about others working field and also find partners in your own field of research, meet with senior experts in your area of research and discuss your results and propose actions on future agricultural research from your perspective.

Criteria, guidelines for application, funding and contact details for clarifications or further details of the event are attached with this mail along with the description of the event.

Wish you all the best,

Best Regards

Attached resources