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AGRINOVIA - a innovative course

AGRINOVIA is the first formal pilot training course on rural
innovation organized by IFAD in Africa as a response to the need of
professionals engaged in IFAD-financed activities and students (as
future professionals) to strengthen their capacities to identify,
characterize, support, document and disseminate local innovations. Its
originality is to bring together practictioners from the field (many
of them were supported through IFAD grants since many years), well
known NGOs and training centers skilled in this domain (ENDA, ICRA,
Supagro/Agropolis) and academic institutions ranging from Switzerland
to Niger, also to ensure the formal recognition of the course, in
addition to its professional orientation. This formal dimension,
leading to the development of new professional and research masters
within the REESAO and beyond, will also constitute the basis for the
spreading out of the experience to other countries both in the South
and in the North.

AGRINOVIA is implemented in Ouagadougou, Burkina
Faso, under the overall coordination of Prof. Jacques Nanema. Half of
the 30 foreseen participants will come from three selected IFAD-
financed rural development programmes in Burkina Faso and in Niger,
which will also offer opportunities for further on-the-job training
and field application as part of the course from October to December
2009. The deadline for applications is 15 April 2009. Women applicants
are particularly encouraged. The fees are 3000 Euro. For further
details please visit:


AGRINOVIA is the first formal pilot training course on rural
innovation organized by IFAD in Africa as a response to the need of
professionals engaged in IFAD-financed activities and students (as
future professionals) to strengthen their capacities to identify,
characterize, support, document and disseminate local innovations. Its
originality is to bring together practictioners from the field (many
of them were supported through IFAD grants since many years), well
known NGOs and training centers skilled in this domain (ENDA, ICRA,
Supagro/Agropolis) and academic institutions ranging from Switzerland
to Niger, also to ensure the formal recognition of the course, in
addition to its professional orientation. This formal dimension,
leading to the development of new professional and research masters
within the REESAO and beyond, will also constitute the basis for the
spreading out of the experience to other countries both in the South
and in the North.

AGRINOVIA is implemented in Ouagadougou, Burkina
Faso, under the overall coordination of Prof. Jacques Nanema. Half of
the 30 foreseen participants will come from three selected IFAD-
financed rural development programmes in Burkina Faso and in Niger,
which will also offer opportunities for further on-the-job training
and field application as part of the course from October to December
2009. The deadline for applications is 15 April 2009. Women applicants
are particularly encouraged. The fees are 3000 Euro. For further
details please visit: