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Call for participation: Asian Women's Quilt on Climate Change

People’s Action on Climate Change (PACC)

Asian Women's Quilt on Climate Change

For inquiries, please contact the project Secretariat at
asianclimatequilt@ <mailto:asianclimatequilt@> and
www.asianclimatequi <http://www.asiancli matequilt. org/>.


From 1 to 3 October 2009, various Asian grassroots, peoples, and civil
society organizations will be convening in Bangkok, Thailand for
the *People's Action on Climate Change (PACC) *an assembly that will
present the voices and faces of the people most affected by the serious
impacts of climate change – the grassroots sectors in Asia.

Among the PACC events is the making of the *Asian Women's Quilt on
Climate Change,* a giant collaborative quilt on the calls of Asian
grassroots communities affected by climate change.

This is a a parallel grassroots event to the 9th and 7th sessions of
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change A/d Hoc
Working Groups on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the
Kyoto Protocol /(AWG-KP) and Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) from
28 September to 9 October 2009, comprising the final leg of meetings
leading to the Conference of Parties 15 in Copenhagen, Denmark on
December 2009.

Quilts are cultural symbols of unity, creativity, and diversity. This
collective quilt will thread testimonies and sew together stories of
Asian grassroots communities which are now calling for action on climate
change and its impacts. It hopes to contribute to the global efforts to
craft strategies for the people's engagement in the issue using
traditional and new media: the handmade quilt is to be made globally
accessible through a web-based gallery.

On October 1, 2009, various grassroots and womens organizations from at
least 15 Asian countries will convene in Sanam Luang, Bangkok to sew
together their individual swatches into a giant quilt. The images will
be uploaded to the internet via www.asianclimatequi
<http://www.asiancli matequilt. org/> andwww.asianclimate
<http://www.asiancli matequilt. org/>.

The project is spearheaded by the Philippine Climate Watch Alliance
(PCWA), Center for Environmental Concerns-Philippine s (CEC-Phils),
Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF) of Thailand, Philippine Climate
Watch Alliance (PCWA) and the Asia-Pacific Forum on Women, Law, and
Development (APLWD).

1. All organizations, communities, and individuals supporting the
People's Action on Climate Change (PACC) event may participate and
create a swatch for the quilt.

2. The general theme of the giant quilt and the individual swatches from

3. Each swatch should measure of *3 x 3 feet*. There should be a margin
of at least 2 inches so the pieces can be sewn together.

4. *Be creative and colorful!* A wide variety of materials may be used
to make the swatch and the designs on it. You can draw, paint, assemble
or sew together images and texts (such as slogans, quotes, folk sayings,
and even song lyrics).

5. We encourage the use of recycled, indigenous, and
environmentally- friendly materials. Cloths used need not be
expensive—recycled or used fabrics are encouraged. Fabrics which will
also reflect the unique culture of each country or which have particular
symbolic value relevant to the theme are also appreciated.

6. Please keep in mind that the quilt will be transported, handled by
different people and may be exposed to elements that may destroy the
quality or the design of the swatches (rain, dust, wind, etc). Thus, it
is also important for the materials to be strong, lightweight, colorfast
and durable.

7. *Participating organizations are requested to submit an advance
digital photograph (high resolution) of the finished swatch to the PACC
Secretariat on or before 27 September 2009, accompanied by the form
filled out with complete information. Please email to the Secretariat
at _asianclimatequilt@ <mailto:asianclimatequilt@>_*.

8. *Let's create the quilt together!* Participating organizations are
requested to bring their swatches to the collaborative *Asian People's
Quilt on Climate Change* activity to be held at Sanam Luang, Bangkok on
October 1, 2009. The finished quilt will be unfurled at the PACC street
festival on *October 3, 2009*.

9. For organizations that want to send a swatch but will not be able to
go to Bangkok, please email the secretariat to arrange how the swatch
will be transported and be included in the event.

Asian Peoples Quilt on Climate Change Participation Form

*/Participating organizations are requested to fill up the form below
and submit it along with a digital photograph (high resolution) of the
finished swatch to the PACC Secretariat on or before 27 September 2009.
For the completed requirements or inquiries, please email the
secretariat at /**/_asianclimatequ ilt@gmail. com
<mailto:asianclimatequilt@>_ . /*
1. Title of the work

2. Country

3. Organization

4. Brief description of the organization (1-2 paragraphs)
5. Organization’ s calls and response to climate change (1-2 paragraphs)
6. Description/ Explanation of the work (1-2 paragraphs)
7. Technical description of the work (e.g materials used, artist, design
etc.)(1-2 paragraphs)

8. Story behind the making (1-2 paragraphs)

9. Other notes or information about the work (not required)

Contact Details (will not be published on the website)

1. Contact Person

*2. Position*

*3. Office Address*

*4. Email Address*

*5. Phone Number*

*6. Website*

*For inquiries, please contact the project Secretariat
<mailto:asianclimatequilt@> and www.asianclimatequi
<http://www.asiancli matequilt. org/>*

You can also contact:
Meggie Nolasco
Philippine Climate Watch Alliance
No.26 Matulungin St. Bgy. Central, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1100
Tel. No. +63-2-9248756 Fax No. +63-2-9209099
Email: meggienolasco@ <mailto:meggienolasco@>