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Call and guidlines for contributing young auhors on climate change and agriculture production - Special issue

YUNGA-YPARD call for articles on climate change and our food: YUNGA, supported by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) is preparing a book on “The Youth Quick Guide to Climate Change and Food Security”, part of “OUR WORLD, OUR CLIMATE” initiative. YPARD will be inviting articles in the section of “How does climate and climate change affect agriculture production (crops and livestocks). The call is open to all young professionals in ARD and registered members for YPARD. The article should be of max. 6 pages only (A4), cartoons or diagrams or self shot pictures depicting the climate change is highly encouraged. Articles should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 15.03.09. Guidelines for the contributors could be found at

Attached resources

[.pdf] Guidelines for authors