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Invitation to submit articles on best forest practices for adaptation and mitigation for ETFRN Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

Worldwide, at the different global, regional and national levels many policy, research and practical initiatives related to forests and climate change are in progress or in development.

Tropenbos International (TBI), the European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN), GTZ and Wageningen International are jointly preparing a special ETFRN Newsletter on best forest practices for climate adaptation and mitigation. The objective is to contribute to a better understanding of the most viable approaches, measures, and conditions on how sustainable forest management and forest governance can most effectively contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. More specifically we would like to bring together practical experiences and lessons.

The Newsletter is scheduled for publication before November 2009.

The Newsletter may be an excellent opportunity to showcase your work and to contribute to the discussions on the best policies and practices for climate adaptation and mitigation.

We are therefore kindly inviting colleagues and organizations involved in the theme to submit a short article (maximum 3000 words) on their work and experiences. The article could include, amongst others, a brief description of your activities which relate climate adaptation and/or mitigation to sustainable forest management and forest governance, lessons learned and recommendations.

If you are interested to contribute, please contact as soon as possible Mr. Arend Jan van Bodegom (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) specifying your organization and the topic of your article.

Upon reception of your e-mail we will provide further information, which includes a short instruction and general guidance on the process and any further information you may need.

Thanking you in advance,

Best Regard,

Peter Saile

René Boot
Tropenbos International

Arend Jan van Bodegom
Wageningen International

The ETFRN Newsletter provides an independent platform of exchange of information and views, published by the European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETRFN). It is a network of European organizations involved in (sub) tropical forest research. The Newsletter publishes on specific themes. It has a readership of more than 3000 experts all over the world


European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN)
c/o The Tropenbos Foundation
PO Box 232
6700 AE Wageningen
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 317 481414
Fax: +31 317 481426
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.