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Technologies and Development (ICTD2012)


Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication  

Technologies and Development (ICTD2012)





Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA USA


Peer review mentor program submission deadline: May 1, 2011

Mentor program website:


As the ICTD community has grown, it has become widely recognized that  

our members bring to the conference a diverse array of skills and  

experience – whether as students, researchers, practitioners, or  

otherwise – in many different disciplines. In an effort to encourage  

broader representation in the conference program, we invite anyone who  

is interested, especially junior researchers and pre-doctoral students  

from around the world, to participate in a peer mentorship program and  

help each other refine submission drafts leading up to the conference  

submission deadline in June.


Researchers should submit drafts of conference submissions to 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by May 1, 2011. A committee of PhD students from 

the host institution will match applicants with at least one peer having  

similar interests and a complementary skill-set, as well as previous  

experience with the ICTD paper submission and review process. Pairings  

will be announced within a week after the May 1 deadline. Peer mentors  

will review each other’s papers according to a detailed and thorough  

rubric, highlighting strengths and suggesting areas that could be  

improved prior to formal submission to the conference.


Reviews will be complete by May 31 at the latest, although we will  

encourage mentors to begin a dialog with their partners as soon as  

they can. Unlike the typical model of conference review, in which  

reviews are made available only on a certain date, we intend this  

process to be more dialogical and encourage communications and  

revisions traveling back and forth between partners throughout the  

review period and thereafter.


Note that this process is totally separate from the official paper  

review process, for which the deadline is July 22, 2011. This program  

is designed as a complement to that process, offering researchers less  

experienced with the ICTD process a chance to improve their  

submissions in time for the main deadline. While participation may be  

likely to improve a paper's scores in the formal review process, this  

is of course not guaranteed.


The mentorship process is not anonymous. All submissions should bear  

the names and affiliations of the authors, and all mentors will be  

fully identified to their partners. This process is intended to be a  

very social one, through which new collaborations and friendships will  

be forged.


Participants may also have the opportunity to join in a special  

workshop that will occur during the conference itself, as well as  

access to conference scholarships for travel, registration, and  

lodging. These supplementary programs are still under development and  

more information will follow in the months to come.


We very much hope that you will see fit to join us in this program. We  

expect great benefit to all involved!


Peer Mentorship Host Committee,

Deana Brown

Deji Fajebe

Sunil Garg

Thomas Smyth