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Preparatory meeting for European youth representatives to Rio+20 - Call for participation!

With the support of the German Federal Environment Ministry, the German Federal Youth Council is hosting a Preparatory meeting for European Youth Representatives attending Rio+20. It will be facilitated in cooperation with Rio+twenties and the European Youth Forum.

Deadline for applications: 23rd of April 2012, 18:00 CEST

With the support of the German Federal Environment Ministry, the German Federal Youth Council is hosting a Preparatory meeting for European Youth Representatives attending Rio+20. It will be facilitated in cooperation with Rio+twenties and the European Youth Forum.

1- Key facts

  • Date: 18th-20th of May 2012 (lunch to lunch)
  • Venue: Bonn, Germany
  • Target group: Official European youth delegates to the United Nations Conference on Sustain-able Development (Rio+20) and youth NGO representatives active in the process and attending the summit itself (→ see 3. Profile of Participants)

Deadline for applications: 23rd of April 2012, 18:00 CEST

2- Objectives of the meeting

Preparing delegates for their presence at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, taking place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012

  • Get to know other delegates
  • Sharing information on

- practical aspects of the conference
- logistical questions (accommodation, local transport, communication)

Stepping up political advocacy

  • Understand the state of negotiations
  • Identify political priorities for advocacy work
  • Develop a lobby strategy towards and in Rio

Planning cooperation amongst each other and within the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY)

  • Develop communication and coordination tools
  • Share responsibilities

3-Profile of participants

The meeting aims at youth representatives who are going to follow the negotiations in at the Rio+20 conference. While the focus lies on policy, the organisers will also appreciate applications from youth working on outreach, campaigning or mobilization.

Aged 18-27, participants should represent a youth council of a European country or a youth NGO ac-tive in Europe. They should already be active in the Rio process and familiar with the background and themes of Rio+20, or willing to intensively study these in preparation for the meeting. Participants should be ready to take on commitments for the work leading to Rio.

4-Profile of group

Besides being based on the individual qualities and the affiliation of the participants, the selection will also be made in order to achieve a balanced representation of various methods of engagement in the process. The organisers will ensure that all three major political themes of the conference are co-vered (governance, green economy and emerging issues/Sustainable Development Goals). Also, while the main focus of the conference is on advocacy and political lobbying, the organisers will also aim at engaging 2 to 3 youth working mainly on youth engagement and outreach in order to consider how to integrate advocacy with mobilization.

5-Sessions foreseen (tbc)

General information on Rio+20

  • Background on the Rio process and Rio+20
  • Introduction to the Major Group for Children and Youth
  • The days in Rio: An overview on the various events and venues
  • Who is who at Rio+20
  • Practical/logistical questions, e.g. transport, communication, co-ordination, etc.

Advocacy planning for Rio

  • State of negotiations and EU position
  • Introduction to UN advocacy work
  • Policy meetings

- German Government: German government’s position towards Rio+20
- European Commission: EU’s position within the Rio+20 negotiations
- Representative from one to two lead G-77 countries: G-77’s position within the Rio+20 negotiations


  • The meeting starts with lunch on Friday, 18th May (12:30pm) and closes with lunch on Sunday, 20th May.
  • Accommodation in double rooms and all meals (Friday lunch through Sunday lunch) will be covered for 20 participants.
  • Participants are responsible for arranging their own travel to the venue (Haus Venusberg. Haager Weg 28-30, 53127 Bonn, The venue can be reached by bus from Bonn Hbf (Main station), which has convenient connections from Cologne for international and long distance trains. If you need to fly, the venue is also not far from Co-logne/Bonn airport.
  • A small budget for travel subsidies is available. DBJR will reimburse up to 50% of the travel costs, depending on the total sum claimed, to participants requiring financial support. Partici-pants with high travel costs are requested to contact the organisers before booking their trip.

Download the full details and the application form.