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International WaterCentre (IWC) Masters Scholarships

 IWC Masters Scholarships Flyer

Every year, the International WaterCentre (IWC) awards scholarships to a small number of excellent candidates who are accepted into theIWC Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM). These scholarships are awarded to applicants who clearly demonstrate potential to become water leaders of the future.

 IWC Masters Scholarships Flyer

Every year, the International WaterCentre (IWC) awards scholarships to a small number of excellent candidates who are accepted into theIWC Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM). These scholarships are awarded to applicants who clearly demonstrate potential to become water leaders of the future.

Scholarship value

  • Full-tuition (valued at AU$ 44,400) for full-time or part-time/distance* study of the Master of Integrated Water Management
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for international students

Note: the scholarship does not include travel, accommodation, field work, or living costs. These costs will be the responsibility of successful recipients.

Who can apply 

The scholarship is available to eligible Australian and international applicants to study the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM) program. The next intake will be February 2013 (Semester 1).

Entry requirements (for the MIWM program)

To apply for the scholarship, you must also apply for the MIWM program and meet the program entry requirements:

  • A completed undergraduate degree in a related field of study from an internationally-recognised institution.
  • Demonstrated English language proficiency 
  • Two years practical experience in a related field is preferred but not essential. 

Selection criteria

Typically, successful scholarship candidates will possess an excellent academic record and several years of relevant professional experience. The IWC selection panel will use the following selection criteria when assessing scholarship applications:

  • Academic record: an excellent academic record and a likelihood of success in further study.
  • Professional record: relevant employment experience, achievements, membership of professional bodies and professional references.
  • Commitment to the whole-of-water cycle, integrated and interdisciplinary approaches to water management.
  • Leadership qualities including collaboration and team work, flexibility, initiative, communication skills, integrity and vision through professional, educational, community and other achievements.  
  • Potential outcomes: the likelihood of positive impacts on the individual and the water sector from participating in the MIWM program.

Read more on the official Scholarship website.