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European Youth Award 2012

The 2012 call for the European Youth Award registration has just been launched and will be open till July 16th!

Innovative students & young people under 30 can enter their projects (for free) within the 6 following Categories:

Young Professional in Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) From Europe, This can be opportunity for YOU!

The 2012 call for the European Youth Award registration has just been launched and will be open till July 16th!

Innovative students & young people under 30 can enter their projects (for free) within the 6 following Categories:

Enter your project towards reaching the MDGs in one of the six WSYA categories:

1. Fight Poverty, Hunger and Disease! (Agriculture related)

2. Education for All!

3. Power 2 Women! (Agriculture related)

4. Create your Culture!

5. Go Green! (Agriculture related)

The Winners will be invited to present their project and meet other engaged people during a 3-day Festival dedicated to Youth, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship on 22-24 November 2012 in Graz, UNESCO City of  Design, Austria.

Participating in the European Youth Award 2012 also makes you a candidate for the Would Youth Summit Award!

Registration is simple because you only have to submit your application once; however your project will be evaluated twice - on both European and worldwide levels. That means your project can win two awards with one click!

Does that sound good enough? The organizers are looking forward to your application!

More info are available on

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