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Kenya Power is sending 10 Kenyans to the One Young World Conference in Pittsburgh USA from 18-22 October, 2012

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  One Young World logo

One Young World 2012

What would you do if you had an opportunity to change the world? That's the question that the organisers at Kenya Power had to face recently. The realisation that their responsibility to Kenya does not stop at providing electrical power, it goes far beyond that. They are turning their ability to provide power into an ability to empower. They believe in the future of this country, and as such they have actively been seeking opportunities to make a difference.

One such opportunity is the One Young World summit. One Young World takes young ambassadors from around the world and turns them into powerful leaders for the good of their community’s. Previously, One Young World has had inspirational counsellors like Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, Bob Geldof, Kofi Annan, Professor Muhammad Yunus, HKH Prince Haakon of Norway, Jamie Oliver, Wael Ghonim and Joss Stone.

These individuals have served as role models for youth the world over and have effectively changed the lives of the attending ambassadors. With more than 125 initiatives to date, almost four million people have been impacted directly by One Young World ambassadors since the 2010 summit. 

Kenya Power believes that the Kenyan youth and the communities that they are a part of will benefit greatly. They would like to announce, with great pride, that Kenya Power is sponsoring the Kenyan ambassadors for this event. To encourage and inspire the young minds of their country is an opportunity that they simply cannot miss out on.

10 Kenyans will be sponsored to the One Young World Conference in Pittsburgh USA from 18-22 October, 2012. Apply before 23rd July. All expenses paid!

Young Kenyan Profesionnals in Agricultural Research for Development, this is an opportunity you should grab!

Apply on this Link: Application for sponsorship by Kenya Power to attend the One Young World Summit