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Young ICIMOD Professional Programme (YIPP): Call for Expressions of Interest

Special career opportunity for young scientists (Master’s or PhD) from Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Myanmar

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is a regional intergovernmental learning and knowledge sharing centre serving eight regional member countries in the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. Mountains are important global ecosystems facing especially rapid socioeconomic and environmental changes, particularly the impacts of climate change. Our aim is to influence policy and practices to meet the associated challenges emerging in the HKH region. To do this, ICIMOD brings together top researchers from the region and around the globe to generate and disseminate state-of-the-art knowledge in the physical and social sciences, including traditional knowledge, for evidence-based decision making; and thry provide a neutral meeting point for transboundary research, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. Working through Regional Programmes across four Strategic Thematic Areas – Water and Hazards, Ecosystem Services, Livelihoods and Geospatial Solutions – and supported by integrated knowledge management, they seek to improve the lives and livelihoods of mountain women and men, now and for the future.

Special career opportunity for young scientists (Master’s or PhD) from Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Myanmar


The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is a regional intergovernmental learning and knowledge sharing centre serving eight regional member countries in the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. Mountains are important global ecosystems facing especially rapid socioeconomic and environmental changes, particularly the impacts of climate change. Our aim is to influence policy and practices to meet the associated challenges emerging in the HKH region. To do this, ICIMOD brings together top researchers from the region and around the globe to generate and disseminate state-of-the-art knowledge in the physical and social sciences, including traditional knowledge, for evidence-based decision making; and thry provide a neutral meeting point for transboundary research, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. Working through Regional Programmes across four Strategic Thematic Areas – Water and Hazards, Ecosystem Services, Livelihoods and Geospatial Solutions – and supported by integrated knowledge management, they seek to improve the lives and livelihoods of mountain women and men, now and for the future.

In order to strengthen their research capacity and provide valuable career opportunities to young scientists from Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Myanmar holding Master’s or PhDs in relevant fields, ICIMOD has opened four Research Associate positions, one in each the following thematic areas: 

  • Water 

The conservation and sustainable management of water are of paramount importance for the people living in the Hindu Kush Himalayas and have ramifications for the prosperity and stability of the entire region and beyond. Water is not only the single most important resource and source of wealth, but also the source of catastrophic hazards. ICIMOD’s integrated approach is aimed at contributing to the management and sustainable use of water as part of the greater mountain ecosystem. ICIMOD works to monitor and assess ice and water resources, promote community resilience and preparedness for disaster risk reduction, ensure the sharing of upstream-downstream benefits, and provide information and tools for better risk management.

  • Ecosystem Services

Mountain poverty is exacerbated by environmental change, and livelihoods in the mountains are more susceptible to environmental and economic change than those in the plains. ICIMOD monitors ecological and socioeconomic changes, it analyses the consequences for the livelihoods of mountain people and downstream inhabitants, and helps mountain people facilitate the development of appropriate policies and innovative and equitable compensation mechanisms for ecosystem services, including fresh water and carbon sequestration. ICIMOD also works with the people of the region to conserve and manage biodiversity as a natural heritage and a resource for livelihoods and economic resilience.

  • Sustainable Livelihoods

New economic growth, shifting population dynamics, and climate change have taken place so intensely and rapidly that established adaptation mechanisms of the people of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region are losing their efficacy. The result has been an increased risk of poverty and further marginalization for mountain populations. This thematic area provides innovative livelihood options that are needed to enhance the socioeconomic sustainability of mountain communities and to ensure that livelihoods and poverty reduction issues are systematically integrated into ICIMOD activities. 

  • Geospatial Solutions

ICIMOD provides integrated and innovative solutions that integrate geo-information and remote sensing data to support informed decision-making for sustainable mountain development in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. The geospatial team develops geo-based solutions, and customizes international knowledge for regional use through strategic alliances and partnerships. The goals are pursued through innovation and technology transfer, capacity building and scaling up, development of mountain-specific applications and decision support systems, and provision of a clearing-house mechanism for geo-information and earth observations. 

Selection Process

ICIMOD invites young scientists from Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Myanmar to submit Expressions of Interest in a Research Associate position with the Young ICIMOD Professional Programme (YIPP). The best and most relevant submissions will be awarded a one year research position at ICIMOD during which associates will work on ICIMOD research topics in their field of interest alongside highly experienced scientists from all over the region and across the globe, and possibly publish their research findings in international scientific journals. The following components should be included in the Expression of Interest:

  • Letter of motivation
  • 1-2 page essay on a topic of interest relating to at least one of the above mentioned thematic areas and including possible ideas for relevant applied research
  • Personal profile including educational background and relevant scientific coursework (to be submitted through ICIMOD’s online application system)
  • 2 letters of recommendation (to be submitted by referees using the provided letter of recommendation template)

Please note that this opportunity is meant for fresh Master’s or PhD graduates with no more than two years of work experience after graduation.

To apply:

  • Register with ICIMOD’s online application system and fill out your personal profile.
  • When submitting the online profile, indicate that you are applying for the Young ICIMOD Professional Programme, and then select the thematic area your Expression of Interest is most clearly related to. 
  • Send your letter of motivation, essay, and two letters of recommendation to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with reference to your submitted profile. 
  • Applications will not be considered until all the items are received.
  • Only applications from candidates from Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Myanmar will be taken into consideration.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited for Skype interviews, with the possibility of a follow-up Face-to-Face interview at ICIMOD Headquarters in Kathmandu.

Duration of the Research Associate Position

One year, of which the first three months are probation, with a possibility of a one-year extension depending on the scope of the research and subject to ICIMOD’s future funding levels.


Research Associates will be paid a monthly lump sum, the level of which will depend on the applicant’s academic level (Master’s or PhD).

Additional perquisites include the refund of one round-trip air ticket from the applicant’s home base to Kathmandu, and a housing allowance of up to USD 200 per month.

Gender and Equity Policy

Qualified and eligible women candidates and those from disadvantaged backgrounds are highly encouraged to apply. ICIMOD implements a gender equity policy and is supportive of working women. It operates a day-care centre at the campus and is committed to integrating gender issues at the organizational and programme levels.

Method of application

Applicants are requested to apply online before 2 September 2012 through ICIMOD's online application system and by sending the appropriate documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

For more information about ICIMOD, please visit their website: