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European Gender Summit 2012







This year's European Gender Summit under the theme 'Aligning Agendas for Excellence' will take place on 29 -30 Nov 2012 at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Building on the great success of last year's event, the European Gender Summit 2012 brings together top-level researchers, science leaders, and policy makers to examine gender issues that impact on the implementation of the upcoming HORIZON 2020,European Research Area, and Innovation Union.

Distinguished scientists  will discuss opportunities for advancing excellence through greater awareness of the role of gender as a dimension of research content, and as an important driver to promote innovation and mobility of talent and knowledge.

The 2012 edition of the European Gender Summit will demonstrate innovative initiatives in the area of gender equality introduced by leading science institutions, such as the League for European Research Universities (LERU),German Research Foundation (DFG)European Research Council (ERC),National Science Foundation (NSF) and European Commission (EC). The Summit is designed to confront common challenges at national, EU and international levels.  

Building on the success of the Manifesto for Integrated Action on the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation, which has attracted over 4000 signatures from scientists, the 2012 Gender Summit will include four consultativeCafe Scientific. The workshops are designed to enrich the advocacy strategy for excellence in science by ensuring that it is sensitive to gender equality issues and to the needs and concerns of society, orientated around major current topics, including the feasibility of a European Gender Standard.

This Summit will take a positive look at all these issues, and thanks to the contributions of top-level speakers, will offer participants an opportunity to be better prepared for responding to the research and innovation agendas promoted in HORIZON 2020European Research Area, and Innovation Union.

Conference outcomes & benefits

  • GAIN crucial insights into latest developments in advancing gender equality issues in science institutions
  • VOICE your feedback to the multi-stakeholder, consensus dialogue on the gender dimension in research and innovation
  • DISCOVER how and where the political and scientific leaders focus resources to promote excellence in science
  • ACCESS important decision-makers and leaders in European policy and funding

For Registration and more information, Kindly visit the official website: European Gender Summit 2012