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Call for Abstracts: Research on Youth Employment in Africa

December 4-6, 2012Dakar, Senegal "Ideas4Work: Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship in Africa"

December 4-6, 2012Dakar, Senegal "Ideas4Work: Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship in Africa"

Members of the Global Partnership for Youth Employment (GPYE), including the International Youth Foundation (IYF), Youth Employment Network (YEN), and Understanding Children’s Work (UCW), are convening a three day learning symposium to provide an opportunity for policy makers, practitioners, researchers, youth, and donors to learn from each other through a variety of interactive sessions. The agenda will focus on gathering and disseminating evidence-based research on youth employment and entrepreneurship outcomes in Africa, as well as providing examples of effective programs and policies to help address the challenges facing young people in their transition to employment in the region. GPYE is supported by the World Bank, and is joined in sponsoring this event by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Jacobs Foundation.

Researchers are invited to submit abstracts for recently completed research on youth employment by completing a short online form. Approximately 5 applicants will be selected to present their research findings at this event.

Submissions should be in line with the proposed themes of the event. Selected researchers will be provided with a travel bursary and their research findings will be featured in the conference publication, the Youth Employment Inventory, and resulting policy and program documents. GPYE will widely disseminate the evidence amongst its partners. The organisers encourage applications to be submitted as soon as possible, as submissions will be considered upon receipt and on a rolling basis. The final deadline to submit abstracts is Monday, October 29 2012 at 11:59 CEST.

Please find more information on this Link: Call for Abstracts: Research on Youth Employment in Africa