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Swiss programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme)

The Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme) is being implemented jointly by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The joint programme supports relevant research for development aimed at solving global problems in poor countries. It consists of five thematic modules and a module for research without pre-defined topics. The five thematic modules are:

A total budget of CHF 97.6 million is available for the duration of the entire programme from 2012 to 2022. CHF 72 million are being contributed by the SDC and CHF 25.6 million by the SNSF.


The Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme) is being implemented jointly by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The joint programme supports relevant research for development aimed at solving global problems in poor countries. It consists of five thematic modules and a module for research without pre-defined topics. The five thematic modules are:

  • Causes of and solutions to social conflicts in contexts of weak public institutions
  • Employment in the context of sustainable development
  • Agricultural production systems and food security (click here to download call for proposal document)
  • Sustainable use and management of ecosystems (click here to download call for proposal document)
  • Provision systems and financing mechanisms in the public health sector

A total budget of CHF 97.6 million is available for the duration of the entire programme from 2012 to 2022. CHF 72 million are being contributed by the SDC and CHF 25.6 million by the SNSF.

The topics under innovations in Agricultural and Food Systems are:
  1. Sustainability of agricultural and food systems, natural resources and resilience
  2. Agricultural innovation, extension and research into use
  3. Governance and policies for the future world food system
The topics under Sustainable management of ecosystems for the provision of ecosystem services are:
  1. The drivers of ecosystem change
  2. Appropriating the economic, social and environmental value of ecosystems and ecosystems services
  3. Ecosystems, ecosystem services and climate change
The deadline for submission of Pre?proposals is 13 September 2013.
The pre-proposal for any of the theme/topic being considered should provide an outline of the planned research project and has to cover the entire period of six years with more details of the planned activities for the first three year period. 
Detailed information on the “Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development” and its structure can be found here. To register submit and manage your application, click here.