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Call for Application - Workshop on Institutional Analysis, Xiamen, China (December 2013)

The cost of the workshop – tuition, meals, and housing - is $2500 USD.  (This does not include travel expenses).  Participants must all stay in workshop housing. Many fellowships will be awarded competitively to scholars for whom the workshop cost is a hardship, to cover tuition, meals, and housing.  If you wish to be considered for a fellowship, upload your request for a fellowship with your application. Note that all participants are responsible for paying their own travel expenses. 

The Ronald Coase Institute is organising a workshop on Institutional Analysis in December 8-­14, 2013 in China in collaboration with Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics and The School of Economics of Xiamen University.

Attend this workshop to

  • Hear established institutional scholars discuss their research and strategies for formulating research questions, developing analysis, and communicating results effectively.  
  • Present your own research project and receive comments first in a small group with faculty guidance after revising, formally to the entire workshop, with assigned discussants. 
  • Network closely with faculty and other young scholars who have an enduring interest in institutional analysis.  After the daily sessions, enjoy informal conversations with faculty and participants during delicious dinners. The workshop ends with a special event and gala dinner. Upon graduation, become part of a worldwide scholarly network with alumni in 66 countries.       

Who is eligible?  

- Postdoctoral social scientists - early in their careers 
- Advanced graduate students - in economics, political science, law, and other social sciences.

Selection and attendance

Participants will be selected competitively on the basis of their research abstracts, CVs, and references. Abstracts are evaluated on the clarity and importance of the research question, the quality of analysis, and the institutional focus. Projects with empirically testable implications are preferred. Work already published is not eligible. 

Admission is limited to 26 individuals at most. (Previous participants are not eligible to attend again.) Admission decisions will be announced in September. The pace is intense and rewarding; participants must attend all sessions and give as well as receive feedback.

How to apply (by August 31, 2013)

Apply online here.
You will need to upload a brief statement of purpose, a research abstract (350 words max), a 1-page CV, and the names of two references. All materials must be in English, the language of the workshop. 
(Alternatively you can apply via e-mail.  See details at the bottom of the 
online application page.)


The cost of the workshop – tuition, meals, and housing - is $2500 USD.  (This does not include travel expenses).  Participants must all stay in workshop housing. Many fellowships will be awarded competitively to scholars for whom the workshop cost is a hardship, to cover tuition, meals, and housing.  If you wish to be considered for a fellowship, upload your request for a fellowship with your application. Note that all participants are responsible for paying their own travel expenses. 

More details about this workshop is available via this link.