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START (SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training) - Young ScientistsÂ’ Conference on Disaster Risk, Future Earth, and Sustainability

START is partnering with the Advanced Institutes for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) for an October conference in Taipei on the connected themes of IRDR, Future Earth, and Sustainability.  The organizers invite young researchers (age 35 and younger) in Taiwan and Southeast Asia to submit papers and posters.  Wherever possible, the conference organizers will cover the full costs of the individuals selected for presentations. Applications should be submitted by 01 August 2013. See details here.

START is partnering with the Advanced Institutes for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) for an October conference in Taipei on the connected themes of IRDR, Future Earth, and Sustainability.  The organizers invite young researchers (age 35 and younger) in Taiwan and Southeast Asia to submit papers and posters.  Wherever possible, the conference organizers will cover the full costs of the individuals selected for presentations. Applications should be submitted by 01 August 2013. See details here.