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Call for Applications: Summer School on Sustainable Agriculture and the World Food System

The question of how to feed the world, while considering human health, the environment and social wellbeing is one of the defining challenges of our time.

The next generation of decision makers must take the lead in building sustainable food systems. If you want to be one of these leaders, we invite you to join the World Food System Center’s 2014 summer school in India.


The question of how to feed the world, while considering human health, the environment and social wellbeing is one of the defining challenges of our time.

The next generation of decision makers must take the lead in building sustainable food systems. If you want to be one of these leaders, we invite you to join the World Food System Center’s 2014 summer school in India.

Spend the first week in India‘s primary coffee production landscape, and:

  • Learn about sustainable agriculture and agroforestry systems. Situated in the Indian state of Karnataka in the Western Ghats, Kodagu (Coorg) is a biodiversity hotspot. It is also India‘s primary coffee growing area which interacts with resource use and food production locally.
  • Understand smallholder livelihoods and learn how farm management decisions must balance conflicts between subsistence needs and market integration.
  • Discuss environmental and social impacts of food systems in India. Using an integrated, trans-disciplinary approach we will examine interactions across the food system and the crosscutting environmental, social, political and economic contexts.

Spend the second week in the fast-growing metropolis of Bangalore, and:

  • Unpack the nexus of urbanization, poverty, nutrition and health.
  • Critically reflect on India‘s food and agricultural policies with stakeholders and like-minded, motivated students from India, Switzerland and from around the world.

Get creative and innovative. Exchange ideas with young Indian entrepreneurs. Work on case studies in an international, interdisciplinary team to relate Indian agriculture and food policies to food system goals, such as food and nutrition security, social and environmental wellbeing.The first week of the program is organized with the Chair of Ecosystem Management at ETH Zurich, a group that has a long history of participatory research in coffee agroforestry systems in Kodagu (Coorg). The program will include a wide variety of contributions from local partners, international organizations, universities, research institutes, public, private and not for profit organizations.

This immersive learning experience integrates lectures, group work, case studies, workshops, excursions, art and creativity, and includes guest speakers and evening social and cultural activities.


Committed students who are currently enrolled or recently graduated from university are encouraged to apply.

Applicants should have a strong interest in food systems and challenges, transdisciplinary collaborative research, agriculture and food production and be able to demonstrate their motivation, interest, and expertise.


The 2 week course will take place between February 2nd and 16th 2014 in India. The detailed program will be made available to successful applicants at a later date.


The ETH Zurich accredits successful completion of the course with 4 (four) ECTS credit points. Acceptance of these ECTS points in non-ETH study programs is subject to the regulations of the participant‘s home institution.


The course fee of 750 Swiss Francs (CHF) per student covers cost for board, lodging, local travel, and activities during the program, all of which are arranged by the course organizers. Participants are responsible for paying and organizing their own visa, health insurance, and organizing their own transportation to and from Bangalore, India.


This program is made possible by the kind support of the Mercator Foundation Switzerland.

The course is hosted in collaboration with:


Applications can be submitted online including curriculum vitae and letter of motivation as portable document format (pdf) (maximum size per file: 1 MB) 
by October 28th, 17:00 CET.

Submit Application (online form)

Download program (pdf)

* DEADLINE for Applications is October 28th, 17:00 CET.

Know more about the ETH WFSC Summer School by reading about Jiaqi (YPARD China) and Rahel (YPARD Switzerland)'s experience at the Summer School 2013: