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Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) - Soil Testing in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger

AGRA's Soil Health Program offers funding to identify and improve access to soil testing kits for agricultural extension services, and to create a platform that provides reliable soil data in real time to a wide range of stakeholders (e.g., farmers, agro-dealers, and the fertilizer industry).   The project will focus on three regions of Burkina Faso; three in Mali; and two in Niger.  AGRA defines the range of applicants it seeks in the program.

AGRA's Soil Health Program offers funding to identify and improve access to soil testing kits for agricultural extension services, and to create a platform that provides reliable soil data in real time to a wide range of stakeholders (e.g., farmers, agro-dealers, and the fertilizer industry).   The project will focus on three regions of Burkina Faso; three in Mali; and two in Niger.  AGRA defines the range of applicants it seeks in the program.