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Tenth International Conference on the Arts in Society

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the International Advisory Board, we are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the Tenth International Conference on the Arts in Society and the Call for Submissions to The Arts Journal Collection.

The 2015 Arts in Society Conference will be held in London, UK from 22-24 July at Imperial College London. Proposals for paper presentations, poster sessions, workshops, focused discussions, or colloquia are invited to the conference, addressing the arts through one of the following themes:


- James Bridle-Artist, Writer, and Publisher, London, UK
- Ruth Catlow-Co-founder and Artistic Director, Furtherfield; Head, Writtle School of Design, London, UK

Presenters also have the option to submit completed papers to one of the fully peer-reviewed journals in The Arts Collection. If you are unable to attend the conference, you may still join the community and submit your article for peer review and possible publication, upload an online presentation, and enjoy subscriber access to the journal.

Proposals are reviewed on rolling deadlines. The final submission deadline for in-person presentations is 19 MAY 2015 (title and short abstract). Proposals submitted after this day will be accommodated in non-themed sessions at the conference or are eligible for community membership registrations (no attendance at conference required with community membership presentations).

For more information and to submit a proposal visit:

Enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web address:
Sponsored by: The Arts in Society knowledge community / Common Ground Publishing

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the International Advisory Board, we are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the Tenth International Conference on the Arts in Society and the Call for Submissions to The Arts Journal Collection.

The 2015 Arts in Society Conference will be held in London, UK from 22-24 July at Imperial College London. Proposals for paper presentations, poster sessions, workshops, focused discussions, or colloquia are invited to the conference, addressing the arts through one of the following themes:


  • Theme 1: Arts Education
  • Theme 2: Arts Theory and History 
  • Theme 3: New Media, Technology, and the Arts
  • Theme 4: Social, Political, and Community Agendas in the Arts
  • Special Focus: The Work of Art in the Age of Networked Society

- James Bridle-Artist, Writer, and Publisher, London, UK
- Ruth Catlow-Co-founder and Artistic Director, Furtherfield; Head, Writtle School of Design, London, UK

Presenters also have the option to submit completed papers to one of the fully peer-reviewed journals in The Arts Collection. If you are unable to attend the conference, you may still join the community and submit your article for peer review and possible publication, upload an online presentation, and enjoy subscriber access to the journal.

Proposals are reviewed on rolling deadlines. The final submission deadline for in-person presentations is 19 MAY 2015 (title and short abstract). Proposals submitted after this day will be accommodated in non-themed sessions at the conference or are eligible for community membership registrations (no attendance at conference required with community membership presentations).

For more information and to submit a proposal visit:

Enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web address:
Sponsored by: The Arts in Society knowledge community / Common Ground Publishing