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UN Framework Convention on Climate Change -- Lighthouse Activities 2015

The UN's Climate Change Secretariat announces the 2015 "Lighthouse Activities" to shine a light on innovative and replicable examples of tackling climate change.  Projects should address one of the following themes: innovations and adaptations by the urban poor; women's leadership; financial mechanisms; and ICT solutions.  The contest is open to organizations, communities, cities, businesses, governments and others that are taking concrete action on climate change.   The winning projects will be offered attendance at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, along with support for publicity and networking.

The UN's Climate Change Secretariat announces the 2015 "Lighthouse Activities" to shine a light on innovative and replicable examples of tackling climate change.  Projects should address one of the following themes: innovations and adaptations by the urban poor; women's leadership; financial mechanisms; and ICT solutions.  The contest is open to organizations, communities, cities, businesses, governments and others that are taking concrete action on climate change.   The winning projects will be offered attendance at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, along with support for publicity and networking.