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Constructing and Defining Food Practices The Food Project

Food and consumption are, undeniably, enmeshed in all aspects of human existence. Our history and culture, as well as our economic and social circumstances, determine and reflect our relationship with food, cuisine, food-ways, and food practices. The Making Sense of Food Project seeks to foster inter-disciplinary dialogue about the way in which meaning is constructed and negotiated via food and the myriad ways in which such is expressed. In particular, we seek to explore and investigate a core set of questions around the meaning of food itself and what we might describe as food practices (itself an idea to be explored and defined during the course of the meeting):

Food and consumption are, undeniably, enmeshed in all aspects of human existence. Our history and culture, as well as our economic and social circumstances, determine and reflect our relationship with food, cuisine, food-ways, and food practices. The Making Sense of Food Project seeks to foster inter-disciplinary dialogue about the way in which meaning is constructed and negotiated via food and the myriad ways in which such is expressed. In particular, we seek to explore and investigate a core set of questions around the meaning of food itself and what we might describe as food practices (itself an idea to be explored and defined during the course of the meeting):