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Call for applications : 2018 Tropentag student reporters

“Tropentag” the conference on tropical and subtropical agricultural, natural resource management, and rural development is an annual conference organized by ATSAF e.V. in collaboration with European universities since 1997. The Tropentag 2018 is hosted by the University of Ghent, Belgium in collaboration with KU Leuven and Antwerp University and expects participants from more than 70 countries.

This year’s Tropentag features the important role of agricultural research and universities in addressing and solving both, global food security and food safety. Keynote speakers are among others Ramon L. Espinel, Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences of the ESPOL University in Ecuador, Prof. Bernhard Freyer of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences inVienna, Austria, Emile Frison of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems in Orvieto, Italy, John McDermott, Director of the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health, IFPRI-Washington, USA, Francois Stepman, Platform for African–European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development in Brussels, Belgium, and Prof. Anthony Whitbread, research program director at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad, India.

“Tropentag” the conference on tropical and subtropical agricultural, natural resource management, and rural development is an annual conference organized by ATSAF e.V. in collaboration with European universities since 1997. The Tropentag 2018 is hosted by the University of Ghent, Belgium in collaboration with KU Leuven and Antwerp University and expects participants from more than 70 countries.

This year’s Tropentag features the important role of agricultural research and universities in addressing and solving both, global food security and food safety. Keynote speakers are among others Ramon L. Espinel, Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences of the ESPOL University in Ecuador, Prof. Bernhard Freyer of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences inVienna, Austria, Emile Frison of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems in Orvieto, Italy, John McDermott, Director of the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health, IFPRI-Washington, USA, Francois Stepman, Platform for African–European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development in Brussels, Belgium, and Prof. Anthony Whitbread, research program director at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad, India.

The Student Reporters

To increase the outreach of the event, ATSAF e.V. sponsors a team of student reporters to give an account of the event. As a student reporter, you will attend a 2-day-workshop just before the conference in September 2018 introducing you to communication through the world wide web. Student reporters will work in an interdisciplinary team of 12 international students who continuously contribute to a multi-author blog with text and visual content from 17 – 19 September 2018 in Ghent at the Tropentag. In the blog and other media the student reporters will summarize the discussions and report on recent trends, hot topics, or emerging issues during the conference. On Sept 21st, 2018 a final seminar on “The way forward to a professional career” will wrap up the activities. ATSAF e.V. will cover all travel costs (low emission transportation means are strongly suggested), accommodation, and registration fee for the conferences.

Who can apply?

The application is open to students affiliated to a European university with great interest in the Tropentag topic. Applicants should be fluent in English and have basic experience in interview and writing techniques and/or knowledge in the use of Web 2.0 social networks.

If you are skilled in using visual media or social media, writing for a wider public and/or digital photography or video recording, please also state this in your application. Please apply with a short CV outlining your experience in the relevant fields and a motivation letter (maximum ½ page).

Please indicate your Skype account, your ResearchGate profile and your Facebook or LinkedIn profile. Please send your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Find the original call on the Tropentag website.