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PhD - Nature based solutions for grey water treatment

In this project, we propose to define new filtration materials, composition of filters and type of vegetation to improve quality of grey water treatment for its reuse or infiltration and development of new treatment method.  We will be combining laboratory batch testing of different materials, laboratory column tests and final testing in field conditions. 

The Wetlands group, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, CZU Prague opens PhD positions starting in October 2020. 

Project Description

In this project, we propose to define new filtration materials, composition of filters and type of vegetation to improve quality of grey water treatment for its reuse or infiltration and development of new treatment method.  We will be combining laboratory batch testing of different materials, laboratory column tests and final testing in field conditions. 

The Wetlands group, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, CZU Prague opens PhD positions starting in October 2020. 

General requirements 

  • Diploma in a relevant discipline (e.g., chemistry, soil science, geochemistry, environmental science, civil engineering) 
  • Solid analytical background 
  • Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team 
  • Required documents for the application (send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.):  
  • CV 
  • Motivation letter 
  • Academic letter of recommendation (by your supervisor) 
  • Diploma + Diploma supplement (Transcript of records) 
  • Short (2 pages) proposal, how you can contribute to this topic  

Background and Obligations of a Ph.D. student: 

  • Four-year study; time flexibility; active participation at international conferences 
  • Publication activity 1 (at least 2 publications in the journal with IF) 
  • Pedagogical activities 2 
  • Obligation to complete a 4-week international internship within this topic 
  • Regular Scholarship (CZK 9,300 - 13,000 per month) 
  1. In the case of above-standard publishing activities (at least 3 publications) the possibility of writing a dissertation in the form of an annotated work 
  2. The scholarship is gradually increasing along with the fulfilled obligations of the PhD student

Please notice that the regular scholarship does not cover the living costs in Prague completely and you will need to search for some additional funding. 
Note that this is just a pre-selection. The selected candidate will be invited to submit official application to the Faculty of Environmental Sciences.