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Post-doc Researcher in Plant Physiology

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join our team within the Physiology section at the Department of Genetics and Physiology of Forest Trees, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. The task is titled “Transpiration measurements as a tool for assessment of spruce stand perspectives.”

This job position is focused on the transpiration and the growth measurements of Norway spruce under global climate change. With respect to decreasing amount of precipitation or their irregular distribution over the year the future development of spruce forests is less predictable. Moreover the transpiration changes have huge ecophysiological consequences. 

Job description

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join our team within the Physiology section at the Department of Genetics and Physiology of Forest Trees, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. The task is titled “Transpiration measurements as a tool for assessment of spruce stand perspectives.”

This job position is focused on the transpiration and the growth measurements of Norway spruce under global climate change. With respect to decreasing amount of precipitation or their irregular distribution over the year the future development of spruce forests is less predictable. Moreover the transpiration changes have huge ecophysiological consequences. 

The selected candidate will be expected to answer these questions:

  • Can we predict the susceptibility to insect or fungi attack based on transpiration, stem increment and soil water potential?
  • Is there any transpiration or growth trait that can be regarded as the most important factor(s) determining the ability to survive the drought events? 
  • What is the sustainability of spruce stands in the conditions of current climate change?

From post-doc researcher we expect the advanced knowledge and practical experiences in processing of the sap flow data from common sap flow sensors (e.g. Granier, THB method), dendrometers and meteorological sensors for evapotranspiration calculation. Responsibilities will predominantly be data analysis and manuscript preparation. 

We are a young and energetic research team with close collaborations with international partners. We offer opportunities to collaborate with the molecular biologists and the genetics at our department. To obtain more information about our team, visit this LINK.

Position duration, starting date and salary: 
The duration of the position is 10 months, starting earliest in May 2020.  The gross monthly salary starts at 62,412 CZK (circa 2,400 EUR) including health insurance and social security cover. The starting monthly salary represents double of the median salary in the Czech Republic. To compare living costs see here:   

Required application documents

  • Diploma (and its nostrification, if necessary) 
  • Professional résumé (CV), including a list of publications 
  • Internship plan – availability, schedule of activities
  • Confirmation of 2 years professional activity outside of the Czech Republic within the last 3 years and/or Ph.D. programme documents (confirmation can also be included in the résumé - CV) 
  • A brief description of the research that the post-doc will work on, including justification for the study and its contribution to the field
  • Applicant should provide a short statement outlining why he/she believes him/herself to be suitable for the position. 
  • Applicant should include contact information for two references, one being the current or most recent employer.

Application deadline

The deadline for application is 13 March 2020. Application review will begin immediately. Successful candidates will be contacted at the end of March 2020. The second round of the interview will take place in the form of a video call. 

About the employer

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, is searching for 1 researcher (Post-Doctoral Position) to new project: “PROMO II”.