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Journal Writing Workshop

African Studies Association of the United Kingdom and British Institute of East Africa

Journal Writing Workshop

In association with the BIEA, ASAUK is planning a writing workshop to assist young scholars to prepare material for publication in international journals.

The workshop is scheduled for Friday and Saturday 19th and 20th March 2010 at the BIEA, Laikipia Rd, Nairobi. ASAUK will support travel and accommodation within eastern Africa for up to 10 participants. Applicants should contact David Kerr This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible, and certainly by 29th January 2010, with a short CV, an indication of travel expenses and short abstract. If you have a draft paper or chapter ready, then we would be keen to see it at this stage.

Those papers selected for the workshop should be ready for circulation in full by the end of February 2010. Participants should get them into a form suitable for submission to a journal (about 8,000 words and with footnotes).

The ASAUK Council, working through its Research Committee, is committed to enhancing academic links between British and African institutions, and to increasing representation in British journals of work by scholars based in Africa as well as young scholars from all backgrounds. It is also keen to support academic journals published in African countries. The workshop will be designed to achieve these goals. We are particularly interested in applications from those who have recently finished theses and those who are in the final stages of doctoral degrees, whose research has been completed. However, applications from more established academics are also welcome.

We are currently discussing participation with a range of journals but will have representatives from the Journal of Eastern African Studies, Azania, and the Journal of Southern African Studies.

In an initial session, representatives from the Journals will discuss their priorities and the publication process in general. In further sessions, students or post-docs will have the opportunity to present papers to a journal editor and small audience, and to work through comments and improvements. Papers will be pre-circulated and it is expected that the participants will read all of the papers in their stream of sessions. The intention is to spend at least an hour on individual papers.

Best Regards
David Kerr

African Studies Association of the United Kingdom and British Institute of East Africa

Journal Writing Workshop

In association with the BIEA, ASAUK is planning a writing workshop to assist young scholars to prepare material for publication in international journals.

The workshop is scheduled for Friday and Saturday 19th and 20th March 2010 at the BIEA, Laikipia Rd, Nairobi. ASAUK will support travel and accommodation within eastern Africa for up to 10 participants. Applicants should contact David Kerr This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible, and certainly by 29th January 2010, with a short CV, an indication of travel expenses and short abstract. If you have a draft paper or chapter ready, then we would be keen to see it at this stage.

Those papers selected for the workshop should be ready for circulation in full by the end of February 2010. Participants should get them into a form suitable for submission to a journal (about 8,000 words and with footnotes).

The ASAUK Council, working through its Research Committee, is committed to enhancing academic links between British and African institutions, and to increasing representation in British journals of work by scholars based in Africa as well as young scholars from all backgrounds. It is also keen to support academic journals published in African countries. The workshop will be designed to achieve these goals. We are particularly interested in applications from those who have recently finished theses and those who are in the final stages of doctoral degrees, whose research has been completed. However, applications from more established academics are also welcome.

We are currently discussing participation with a range of journals but will have representatives from the Journal of Eastern African Studies, Azania, and the Journal of Southern African Studies.

In an initial session, representatives from the Journals will discuss their priorities and the publication process in general. In further sessions, students or post-docs will have the opportunity to present papers to a journal editor and small audience, and to work through comments and improvements. Papers will be pre-circulated and it is expected that the participants will read all of the papers in their stream of sessions. The intention is to spend at least an hour on individual papers.

Best Regards
David Kerr