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Three courses on faciltation and advice - MDF

Human Resource Management in an international context
23 - 27 November 2009

The success of an organisation is determined by its people. Nobody disputes that. So enabling and encouraging optimal staff performance is key, but easier said than done, especially in an international context. The HRM-i course aims at exactly that. Equiping you with modern HR management tools, systems and the personal skills to stimulate a multi-cultural pool of staff to give their best, for themselves and for the organisation. Are you responsible for HR-management in your organisation, be it as practitioner or advisor, then this course is meant for you.

Appreciative Inquiry
25 - 27 November 2009

Appreciative Inquiry is a new approach to facilitating organisational change. Appreciative Inquiry is a habit of mind, heart, and imagination that searches for success. It focuses on already achieved successes in order to gain insights on how to further expand these successes. It provides a frame for creating an imagined future that builds on and expands the joyful and life-giving realities as the metaphor and organising principle of the organisation. In this three-day course, you will experience the different phases of Appreciative Inquiry and get insight in how to apply the approach to your reality.

Organisational Development for Advisers and Consultants
30 November - 11 December 2009

Organisational Development comes with many questions. What do we really need? Where do we start? Who plays what role? This course discusses the questions worth asking and how to answer them. Essential for the serious Organisation Development adviser.

Information and Registration
If you have specific questions, please do contact us! Send a message to our client desk officer, Ms Marieke Dikken, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Hope to welcome you soon.

With kind regards
Hans Rijneveld and Herman Snelder
Managing Directors MDF

Human Resource Management in an international context
23 - 27 November 2009

The success of an organisation is determined by its people. Nobody disputes that. So enabling and encouraging optimal staff performance is key, but easier said than done, especially in an international context. The HRM-i course aims at exactly that. Equiping you with modern HR management tools, systems and the personal skills to stimulate a multi-cultural pool of staff to give their best, for themselves and for the organisation. Are you responsible for HR-management in your organisation, be it as practitioner or advisor, then this course is meant for you.

Appreciative Inquiry
25 - 27 November 2009

Appreciative Inquiry is a new approach to facilitating organisational change. Appreciative Inquiry is a habit of mind, heart, and imagination that searches for success. It focuses on already achieved successes in order to gain insights on how to further expand these successes. It provides a frame for creating an imagined future that builds on and expands the joyful and life-giving realities as the metaphor and organising principle of the organisation. In this three-day course, you will experience the different phases of Appreciative Inquiry and get insight in how to apply the approach to your reality.

Organisational Development for Advisers and Consultants
30 November - 11 December 2009

Organisational Development comes with many questions. What do we really need? Where do we start? Who plays what role? This course discusses the questions worth asking and how to answer them. Essential for the serious Organisation Development adviser.

Information and Registration
If you have specific questions, please do contact us! Send a message to our client desk officer, Ms Marieke Dikken, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Hope to welcome you soon.

With kind regards
Hans Rijneveld and Herman Snelder
Managing Directors MDF