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TVG-YPARD Funding News






TVG-YPARD Funding News

September – October 2010


A joint venture of Terra Viva Grants and YPARD to provide guidance about funding opportunities for young professionals in agricultural research, with a focus on research for development   


Application Closing Dates 

Through February 2011 (rolling calendar, updated each newsletter).  = Item was not included in the previous newsletter.


Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS):  TWAS invites applications for its 2011 fellowship grants for post-graduate training, post-doctoral research, and advanced research.  Host institutions are universities and research institutes in Brazil, China, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Thailand, and other developing countries.  Each program has a calendar deadline in June through October 2010.   [Go to "Programs" > "Exchange" > "Fellowships"] 


Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) – Grants for Scientific Meetings:  Grants to support international scientific meetings in developing countries.  Application deadlines are 01 June and 01 December.


Agropolis (France) and CAPES (Brazil):  Agropolis and CAPES invite French/Brazilian research related to agricultural crops and food systems.  Themes include plant genetics, pests and diseases, agri-environmental innovations, and others.  Proposals that involve African participation will be considered.  Proposals should be submitted in English before 17 September 2010.


Alexander von Humboldt Foundation -- International Climate Protection Fellowships:   The Foundation funds one-year research projects in Germany on climate protection and resource conservation.  The program is open to prospective future leaders in academia, business, and administration in non-European threshold and developing countries.  The Foundation aims to make 20 grants per year.  Closing date for applications in this current cycle is 15 December 2010.


Bio-Asia Regional Program funded by France:   French-Asian research on natural substances in three themes:  (1) biodiversity, ecology, and conservation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; (2) natural substances from terrestrial and aquatic origins; and (3) valorisation in the areas of health and pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutrition, agriculture, and renewable energies.  Eligible Asian countries are Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.  Deadline for proposals is 20 September 2010.


Bioversity International -- Vavilov-Frankel Fellowships 2011:   Up to two grants of US$20 thousand each will support young researchers  in themes of conserving and using genetic resources in agriculture.  Proposals are invited from researchers in low and middle-income countries who are under age 35.  Closing date is 07 November 2010. 


Conservation, Food, and Health Foundation:  The CFH Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations for projects in conservation, sustainable agriculture, and health in developing countries.  Most grants are US$15 thousand to US$30 thousand. Concept applications may be submitted at any time, but must be received by 01 January and 01 July in order to be reviewed for the Foundation’s meetings in May and November, respectively.


Danish Development Research Network (DDRN):  Members of the DDRN may apply for funding to promote Denmark-South partnerships in development research.  Only members of DDRN who have an updated profile on DDRN’s database can apply.  The next quarterly application deadline is 01 September 2010.


European Commission (EC) – FP7 Research in Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology:  Research call FP7-KBBE-2011-5 includes opportunities for researchers in developing countries.  Neglected zoonoses (KBBE.2011.1.3-01) is open to partner countries in Africa and other developing regions.  System for European cattle evaluation (KBBE.2011.1.3-06) is open to Turkey and Balkan countries.  Aquaculture (KBBE.2011.1.4-07) is open to the low-income food-deficit countries (list is linked from the call information).  Productivity of perennial grasses (KBBE.2011.3.1-02), and biotechnology to convert bio-waste into bio-products (KBBE.3.4-01 and KBBE.2011.4-05), are also open to partners in developing countries (especially India in 4-05).  Closing date is 25 January 2011. 


European Commission (EC) – FP7 Research in Environment:   Research call FP7-ENV-2011 has sub-activities for the EU's collaboration with international cooperation partner countries, including countries in the developing world.  This refers to research on climate and land-use change in the Amazon region (Sub-activity 1.1.5) with Latin America; risk prevention and management before volcanic eruptions (1.3.3) with Latin America; biodiversity and ecosystems for mitigation of climate change (2.1.4) with Latin America; technologies to mitigate water scarcity in Latin America (3.1.1-1); technologies to cope with water shortages in urbanized India (3.1.1-2); information for building a Global Carbon Observing System (4.1.1) with international cooperation partner countries; earth observation for improving agriculture and forest management in Africa (4.1.4-1); ecosystem status, including fisheries, in coastal-marine zones of North Africa and Mediterranean countries (4.1.4-2); community-based management of environmental challenges (4.2.3) to include at least one participant from Latin America; and uptake of climate research results for knowledge platforms with African partners (5.1.0).  Closing date is 16 November 2010.


European Commission (EC) – FP7 Geographical Partnerships:  Europe's FP7 research includes geographical partnerships in addition to thematic programs.  REGPOT-2011-1 is for research cooperation with the EU's convergence and outlying regions (e.g., Balkans, Turkey, Israel).  INCO-2011-6 is for Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Mediterranean Countries.  INCO-2011-7 is for partnerships with the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China), among others.  INCO-2011-8 is for research collaboration with India.  Closing date for REGPOT is 07 December 2010; closing date for INCO-6/7/8 is 15 March 2011.


European Commission (EC) -- Projects in Individual Countries with Possibilities for Research Components:   Search EC’s funding calls by Reference Number for the following projects:
Ref 130131  Food Security in Mauritania (closes 13 Sept. 2010)
Ref 130021  Watersheds and Irrigation in Afghanistan (closes 14 Sept. and 25 Oct. 2010).
Editor’s Note:  We are not assuming that research can be funded.  Grant seekers should form their own views on this after consulting each project document.


Food Security Center, University of Hohenheim – The FSC will fund up to 29 research scholarships for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers in 2011 in themes of agriculture and food security.  Some opportunities are at FSC/Hohenheim in Germany; others are at national and international research institutes located in the developing countries.  Applications are due 30 September 2010.


French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity:  FRB invites proposals to model scenarios of global change, biodiversity, ecosystem services, and public policy.  If some French territories are included, proposals may cover large regional and continental scales.  Projects that focus on developing and emerging countries are particularly encouraged.  Proposals (full projects, pre-projects, and expressions of interest) are due 13 October 2010.


Global Agriculture and Food Security Program:  GAFSP is managed by the World Bank on behalf of four government donors and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. GAFSP made its first five awards, and has a second call for proposals in 2010.  Applications are invited from the governments of IDA (i.e., lowest-income) countries before 01 October 2010.


Global Biodiversity Information Network – Young Researchers 2010:  The GBIF invites university graduate students to apply for its Young Researcher awards in biodiversity informatics.  GBIF comprises 54 countries and 44 international organizations.  Two awards of €4 thousand each are available in 2010, the first year of the awards.   Application deadline is 15 September 2010. 


Global Development Awards and Medals Competition:  The GDN makes awards for (1) Research; and (2) Projects. GDN's 2010 research competition focuses on finance for sustainable development.  Editor’s note:  This could include finance in the agricultural sector.  Regarding projects, GDN makes an award for the most innovative development project (not theme-based) carried out by an NGO in any of the world's developing regions.  Application deadlines are 09 September 2010 for projects, and 18 October 2010 for research.  


India Department of BioTechnology and Danish Council for Strategic Research:  Call for proposals in India-Denmark collaboration in biotechnology research.  Agriculture is among the identified themes.  The program will cover 2-3 years and be funded at approximately €2 million.
Closing date for applications is 07 September 2010.


InnoCentive – Fertilizers in Africa:  InnoCentive offers cash prizes for solutions to worldwide challenges, including how to make NPK fertilizer more affordable for small-hold farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa.  The award is US$20 thousand, and the closing date is 26 September 2010. 


L’Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) –  France-South Collaboration:  The French International Development Research Institute (IRD) calls for proposals to establish mixed international units (IMU) and mixed international laboratories (LMI).  Projects are structured around IRD's geographical and scientific priorities.  Applications are presented by at least one project leader in the South in collaboration with at least another in France.  The closing date is 30 September 2010.


L’Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)  -- Seeks University Partners: The French International Development Research Institute (IRD), in collaboration with the French university presidents (CPU), seeks university partnerships in the developing world.  Research themes in IRD include water management and access, climate change, and natural resources and ecosystems management (among others).  Interested universities should respond to IRD before 30 September 2010.


L’Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)  --  (1) Fellowships for Scientific and Technical Exchange (“BEST”): and (2)  Support for Doctoral Theses:  The French International Development Research Institute (IRD) offers support in its program “BEST” for researchers, engineers, and technicians from countries of the South to work on IRD-related research outside of their home countries.  IRD also supports doctoral research by candidates in the South.  Applications in both programs are due 20 September 2010.


International Development Research Center – Research on Climate and Water:  Canada's IDRC invites applications for research grants on climate change and water in 2010-2011.  Applicants must be citizens of developing countries enrolled for masters or PhD studies at universities in Canada or developing countries.  Applications are accepted in English or French before 15 October 2010. 


International Development Research Center --  IDRC Internships:  IDRC offers internships to Canadians and nationals of developing countries in research management and grant administration.  Program priorities include Agriculture and Environment (among others).  The selected individuals will use 50% of their time for research and the other 50% to learn research management.  Applications may be submitted in English or French before 12 September 2010.


International Foundation for Science (IFS) – Young Scientists:  IFS makes grants to young scientists in developing countries for research on agriculture, soils, animal production, food science, forestry, agroforestry, aquatic resources, natural products, water resources, etc. Grants are for both natural science and social science.  Applications are accepted all year, but ISF applies administrative deadlines of 30 June and 31 December.


International Institute for Impact Evaluation (3ie) – Agriculture in Burundi:  3ie makes grants to evaluate the impacts of development programs and projects, and to prioritize knowledge gaps within certain developmental areas. Grants are to international research teams experienced in impact evaluation in partnership with local researchers.  The latest call for proposals in Policy Window 1 includes a program area on food insecurity in Burundi, with reference to agriculture and environment. Various other program areas and countries are noted in the same call.  The proposal deadline is 13 September 2011. 


International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources:  The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture invites applications for its 2010-2011 cycle of grants.  Eligibility extends to governmental and non-governmental organizations -- including genebanks and research institutions, farmers and farmers' organizations, and regional and international organizations --  based in countries that are Contracting Parties to the Treaty.  The closing date for applications is 08 September 2010. 


King Baudouin Foundation – Coffee and Cacao:  Proposals to the Efico Fund for projects in coffee/cacao communities.   The application deadline is 24 September 2010.


Lemelson Foundation – Promotes Innovations:   The Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability is for innovations related to agriculture, air quality, water, soil, health, energy, shelter, biodiversity, or ecosystem management.  Application deadline is 05 October 2010.


Leverhulme Trust – International Research Networks:  Leverhulme makes grants for international research networks on any topic and in any discipline.  The principal investigator must be based in the UK. The value of an award is normally up to £125 thousand, and a network grant can last for up to three years.  Closing dates are 21 March, 01 September, and 01 December.


McKnight Foundation, Southeast Asia - Grants:  Program includes some elements of sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and conservation of natural resources in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.  Letters of inquiry are due 01 June and 01 November. Editor’s Note:  Grant seekers should search McKnight Foundation for its other program areas, including the program on agricultural research housed at Cornell University.


New England Biolabs Foundation:   Small grants for projects in agriculture and conservation.  Grant seekers should carefully study the list of eligible countries.  Application deadlines are 05 March and 01 September each year.


Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Global Development Division (WOTRO):  WOTRO  announces a call under its Integrated Program for research on poverty and hunger; sustainable environment; and global relationships.   Applications are submitted by senior researchers in the Netherlands jointly with senior researchers in a developing country (or countries).  The closing date for pre-proposals is 02 September 2010. 


ONE International – 2010 ONE Award:  Applications are invited from individuals and civil society organizations based in Africa that help Africans meet one or more of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).  (Goal 1 supports improved agricultural productivity; Goal 7 promotes environmental sustainability).  Applicants must be involved in advocacy to achieve the MDGs.  The recipient will receive an award of up to US$100 thousand to expand their work. Application deadline is 24 September 2010. 


Orskov Foundation – Small Grants for Agriculture:  Orskov makes grants of up to £2,500 to support agriculture in developing countries.  One category of grants supports university students in agricultural studies related to poverty alleviation and environmental sustainabilty.  The second category of grants is for community-based agriculture on a revolving-fund basis.  Application deadline is 31 January of each year. 


Research Council of Norway – Aquaculture Research:   The Research Council of Norway invites applications in its HAVBRUK program for research in aquaculture.  Proposals that feature international cooperation are a priority, especially for collaboration with researchers in the EU, North America, Japan, China, and Chile.   Closing date is 01 September 2010. 


Rothamsted International:  RI offers one-year grants for senior researchers in developing countries to work with British researchers at Rothamsted (UK) in agricultural sciences.  Next deadline for applications is 22 October 2010. 


Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew:  Kew Gardens (UK) makes 30 to 40 small grants per year to botanists and horticulturalists for plant collection and field research; international visits or work at Kew; travel and conferences; and other project support.  Grants must involve a developing country.  Closing date for applications is 30 September. 


Royal Society -- International Joint Research Projects in the Life Sciences, UK with Selected Countries in 2010:   Eligible countries are European and former Soviet Union countries, China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa, and certain countries in Latin America.  In 2010, there will be three rounds of applications.  Application deadlines are 25 March, 29 July, and 25 November – except for Russia and China.  The deadline for China is 15 September; the deadline for Russia will be sometime in October.


SEVEN Fund:  The SEVEN Fund invites research proposals on enterprise solutions to povertyThe competition will award up to two research grants of no more than US$100 thousand each.  Anyone can apply for the grants, and SEVEN anticipates submissions from universities, think tanks, economic development specialists, NGOs, and others.  Editor’s Note:  Because there are no sectoral constraints, proposals that represent enterprise solutions relevant in agriculture, energy, and environment should be welcome.  Letters of inquiry should be submitted before 15 October 2010.


U.S. Agency for International Development -- Global:  USAID supports public-private alliances for projects in food security and agriculture; disaster preparedness; climate change, environment, and energy; water; and other themes. In 2010, the Annual Program Statement for Global Development Alliances anticipates making 60 matching grants.  Applicants work with USAID's offices (missions) at the country level, and with certain Washington offices.   Applications must be submitted before 30 September 2010.;jsessionid=cKhJLJ1SntTx8xlnKWn3LzQFQTHFkHjWVS9Hy0vpCFRLp3YvJkMV!-1885924289


U.S. Agency for International Development -- Afghanistan:  USAID-Kabul announces grants to revitalize Afghan agriculture by strengthening agribusiness; increasing production and profitability of cereals, horticulture, and livestock; rehabilitating watersheds and irrigation systems; improving access to financial services; strengthening trade capacity; and revitalizing research and education.  Unrestricted eligibility.  Closing date is 06 November 2010.


 U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) -- Peru.   USAID/Lima announces the "Peru Alternative Development Public-Private Partnerships in Oil Palm, Cocoa, and Coffee."  Eligible applicants are nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, private companies, and small businesses.  Funding Opportunity APS-OAA-10-000001-A2-PERU.  The closing date for applications is 30 September 2010.;jsessionid=rJnXMtvWwXlLgfQv1040GXkkstNkbg7fyTGQp9zDmWqCyxlx4lDT!931914360 


U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) -- Russia.  USAID/Moscow invites applications for the North Caucasus Agricultural Development Program from Russian and U.S. nonprofit organizations.  Potential new partners are encouraged if they are teamed with experienced organizations.  Funding Opportunity USAID-RUSSIA-ORD-10-0005-RFA.  Application deadline is 03 September 2010.;jsessionid=y6FNMWHYdFS4W7qNLvn81yTzbNdvGHqTFh1vKzThpqsXnhhNP5r5!268013801?oppId=55939&mode=VIEW 


U.S. Agency for International Development – Sudan:  USAID/Khartoum invites applications for grants to support agricultural innovation in Southern Sudan.  Areas of interest include crop production, harvesting, processing, and storage; irrigation utilization; livestock marketing and health; transportation of agricultural goods; and marketing infrastructure.  Eligibilty is unrestricted.  Funding Opportunity APS-SUDAN-AAO-10-000001.  Closing date is 30 September 2010. 


U.S. National Peace Corps Association:  The 2010 Africa Rural Connect Contest invites ideas to offer the greatest improvements in the lives of small-scale farmers in the rural communities of sub-Saharan Africa.  Themes include water resources, agribusiness, post-harvest management, and others. Leading ideas will be supported with cash prizes.  Four rounds of the contest have deadlines on 15 May 2010; 15 July 2010: 15 September 2010; and 15 November 2010.


U.S. National Science Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – BREAD:  BREAD (Basic Research to Enable Agricultural Development) welcomes proposals that address major constraints limiting the productivity of crops important to smallholder farmers in developing countries. International collaboration with the developing countries is encouraged, but the principal investigator must hold an appointment in the USA.  Letters of intent are due 16 September 2010.


Applications with No Closing Dates  (or Multiple Deadlines)

Partial Listing (each edition of Funding News adds new grant makers to this section, including some that may have been introduced in 2009)


Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program – Support for Training and Collaborative Research:  The Borlaug Fellowship Program matches participants from developing countries with partners in the USA and the international agricultural research centers (CGIAR) for short-term training and research.  Application deadline varies by country.



Updates in Programs

New Initiatives, Changed Programs, Special Updates  


Funding for Agris Mundus Is Renewed:  The EC will continue to support the Agris Mundus consortium for education and research in agriculture at the AM partner universities.  Interested individuals should consult the Agris Mundus website in October for information on admissions and financial support for EU and non-EU students.  Editor’s Note: The Agris Mundus Alliance includes universities in Mexico, Nicaragua, Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Yemen, and Morocco.


Sixty New Grants for Women Agricultural Scientists in Africa:  In its third year, AWARD (African Women in Agricultural Research and Development) announced 60 new grants for the professional development of women scientists.  Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.S. Agency for International Development, AWARD currently supports 180 fellows in 10 African countries. The latest groups of AWARD winners represent 20 disciplines of agricultural science.  Editor’s Note:  Because it is a 5-year program, potential applicants should anticipate at least two more annual cycles (2011 and 2012) of grant making in AWARD.


AGRA Funding for Soil Fertility in Africa:   The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) will fund 100 MSc and 50 PhD students in integrated soil fertility management at nine universities of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Information at the link below provides the application forms and the status of each call for proposals.



Contact Us at TVG-YPARD

Questions, Comments, Suggestions

We seek your feedback on TVG-YPARD Funding News.  How can the service be improved and expanded?  Can you suggest new concepts to produce and distribute funding news? 

Also, we invite you to contribute items for posting in TVG-YPARD Funding News.   We will consider including calls for proposals, updated changes in funding programs, profiles of grant makers, and tips for getting grants in agricultural research.  We are mainly interested in items that have international or broad regional significance.

Please communicate with Dr. Jan Laarman, newsletter editor, at the following email address for the newsletter:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Find more information on grants at Terra Viva Grants

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