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Scholarships within the German-Mexican M.Sc. Programme

Announcement for scholarships within the German-Mexican M.Sc.
Programme "Environment and Resources Management"

Scholarships for 10 German, 10 Mexican and 10 graduates from other
Latin-American countries are provided by the German Academic
Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Mexican Commission on Science and
Technology (CONACYT) within the international Master programme on
Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management funded by
the German Federal Ministry for Education and Science (BMBF) and the
German Federal Ministry of International Cooperation and Development
(BMZ). Deadline is the 20th of February.

The international postgraduate programme was initiated in 2008 and its
curriculum is based on the renowned M.Sc. programmes "Technology and
Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics"(TERMA) at the Cologne
University of Applied Sciences and the "Multidisciplinary Postgraduate
Programme in Environmental Sciences" (PMPCA) at the Autonomous University
of San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

Focal areas of the programme are environmental management, regional
and urban planning, renewable energies, water management, land
management and environmental toxicology. While the first two
semesters take place at the UASLP (Mexico), the third is conducted at the
CUAS (Germany) and the fourth semester at any of the both universities
depending on tutor and Master thesis subject. Thesis research can be
conducted in any Latin American country or in Germany. The graduates
obtain a double degree and will have the possibility to continue with PhD
studies in Mexico or in Europe or to work in the field of environmental
sciences and management.

Admission requirements are to have an academic background (minimum
Bachelor degree) related to Environmental Management: natural
sciences, engineering sciences, geography, agricultural or social
sciences, to be fluent in English (TOEFL 550 points or equivalent) and
Proficiency in Spanish for the German participants. Application deadline
is the 20th of February, programme start is June 2009 in San Luis Potosí.

Further information: or info-
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Source: ATSAF