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U.S. Department of State: Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowships

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides ten months of non-degree academic study and related professional experiences in the U.S. for experienced professionals from countries that are undergoing development or political transition.

Program fields include agriculture and rural development; natural resources, environmental policy, and climate change; and many others.

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides ten months of non-degree academic study and related professional experiences in the U.S. for experienced professionals from countries that are undergoing development or political transition.

Program fields include agriculture and rural development; natural resources, environmental policy, and climate change; and many others.

Approximately 200 fellowships are awarded annually; fellows are hosted at 18 universities in the USA.

Applications are made through the the U.S. Embassies or Binational Fulbright Commissions in the eligible countries, with varying deadlines. The embassies and commissions submit their nominations before 01 October to the Institute of International Education office in Washington, DC.  This means that applicants need to act well before October.