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International Development Research Center: IDRC Research Awards 2013


The International Development Research Center (IDRC) of Canada offers research awards to Canadian nationals, permanent residents of Canada, and nationals of developing countries who are pursuing masters or doctoral studies.


The International Development Research Center (IDRC) of Canada offers research awards to Canadian nationals, permanent residents of Canada, and nationals of developing countries who are pursuing masters or doctoral studies.

The grants support research projects and training in research management and grants administration in collaboration with IDRC's offices in Canada or regionally.  Themes for the awards include agriculture and food security; climate change and water; ecosystems and human health; and others. 

This competition is for positions starting in early 2013. Research awards are normally for 12 months.  They are tenable, on a full-time basis, for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12. They normally start in January and must be completed by the end of December.  Approximately 18 awards will be offered in 2013.
Full information -- including background about the grants, guidelines to apply, and eligiblity criteria -- is included with the announcement. 

The application deadline is 12 September 2012