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CRDF Global: GIST Technology Idea Competition


Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) supports innovators, scientists, and entrepreneurs from eligible countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia to participate in the GIST Tech-I Competition. 


Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) supports innovators, scientists, and entrepreneurs from eligible countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia to participate in the GIST Tech-I Competition. 

GIST seeks innovative ideas that have potential to become technology solutions to critical problems in agriculture, energy, ICT, and related areas.

This competition is designed to encourage technology entrepreneurs to launch and/or grow a company in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Turkey through:

  • Funding;
  • Training and mentorship with successful entrepreneurs, angel investors, and venture capitalists;
  • Networking opportunities; and
  • Visits for up to five companies to establish direct connection with potential investors and partners in the USA.

Applicants submit an executive summary and a 2-minute video.  Complete guidance is posted on the GIST website.  The closing date for submissions (materials are available in English, French, and Russian) is 24 September 2012.